  • 學位論文

村上春樹作品《1Q84》中「入口」與「出口」之意涵 -以女主角青豆的「自我改革」為中心-

The MeaningOf“The Entrance”And“The Export”In Haruki Murakami Works“1Q84”:Focus On “Self-Reform” Of The heroine AOMAME

指導教授 : 曾秋桂


本論文設定了四個問題探討村上春樹作品《1Q84》女主角青豆的「自我改革」中「入口」與「出口」之意涵;分以四章進行考察。第一章以女主角青豆進入「1Q84」前的人生為考察中心。第二章則以青豆在「1Q84」中的遭遇及依重要人物所受之影響。第三章為青豆在「1Q84」中對於「生存」的再認識。第四章則為青豆透過「1Q84」的「自我改革」。   第一個課題是女主角青豆進入「1Q84」前的人生,透過本論文的考察女主角青豆進入「1Q84」前的人生為孤獨且心靈受創。   第二個課題是青豆在「1Q84」中的遭遇及依重要人物所受之影響,而在此課題的考察當中,發現內心孤獨且心靈受創的青豆因為體悟了自我封閉比孤獨所帶來的自我傷害更為嚴重,進而選擇改變自我封閉的人生觀。   第三個課題是青豆在「1Q84」中對於「生存」的再認識,透過考察了解到《1Q84》中所出現的兩個月亮是青豆內心創傷的象徵,也是「1Q84」世界所反射出來的鏡像效果,青豆以月亮做為引領自我人生方向的燈塔,走出了自我內心的創傷。   第四個課題是青豆透過「1Q84」的「自我改革」,考察後結果發現青豆的「自我改革」可分為五個層面,分別是感恩的心、自我與朋友的見解、宗教的見解、以及對於自我記憶的見解還有對世界的見解。透過以青豆為中心的探討可發現,《1Q84》中「入口」為象徵青豆人生步入歧途的起點,而「出口」則為重拾人生的開始。 關鍵詞:村上春樹、1Q84、入口、出口、青豆、心靈創傷、自我改革


村上春樹 1Q84 入口 出口 青豆 心靈創傷 自我改革


This paper sets four questions to explore meanings of “The Entrance” and “The Export” in a “Self- Reform” in Haruki Murakami’s work “1Q84”. The investigation of the meanings will be divided into four parts. The first chapter aims to discuss life of AOMAME, who is the main character in this work, before she enters into the “1Q84”. Furthermore, her suffering and its impact, which is brought by three crucial characters, will be the focus in the second chapter in the “1Q84”. Then, in Chapter III, the focus will transfer from the impact to her re-explanation of meaning of “Life” in the“1Q84”. Finally, her “Self- Reform” by “1Q84” is the main theme in Chapter IV.   The first issue is the life of AOMAME before she gets into the “1Q84”. The research shows that the life before she gets into the “1Q84” is lonely and traumatized. The second subject is her suffering and the influence by the three important characters in the “1Q84”. In this investigation, she found that the heart is lonely and traumatized, realized that self-closed brings her more lonely and self-injury. Therefore, she chose to change her philosophy of life. The third issue is her re-explanation of the meaning of life in the "1Q84". The study discovered by mirror effect, the two moons are not only symbol of her trauma, but also symbol of a lighthouse leading her inner self in the intersection of life. The last issue is her “Self-Reform” by the “1Q84”. The finding suggests that her “Self-Reform” can be divided into five parts which are grateful heart, opinion toward self and friends, opinion toward religion, self-remembrance and the world. Therefore, by AOMAME-centered discussion in this study, “The Entrance” is her starting line of getting into the wrong path in her life, and “The Export” is her beginning of her new life in the “1Q84”. Keywords: Haruki Murakami,“1Q84”,“The Entrance”,“The Export”,“Self-Reform” ,AOMAME, Traumatized


1.Sigmund Freud(1065初1989)『The Psychopathology of Everyday Life』(Sigmund Freud作Alan Tyson訳)W.W.Norton
1.亀山郁夫(2010)「神の夢、または1Q84年のアナムネーシス -村上春樹『1Q84』をめぐる私的覚書-」『台灣日本語文學報』28台湾日本語文学会
3.曾秋桂(2011)「村上春樹『1Q84』における天吾と青豆の身体的渇求─プラトンのアンドロギュノスをベースに─」「輔仁大学創立85周年及び在台復校50周年記念 2011国際シンポジウム「文化における身体」輔仁大学日本語文学科主催 2011年11月19日
