  • 學位論文


The Trend Study of Information Works on Nationwide College

指導教授 : 黃明達


本研究透過全國大專院校資訊應用服務創新競賽(以下簡稱創新競賽)近11屆之參賽、決賽與得獎資料,依據不同的指導老師、參賽學校分析,了解目前競賽狀況,並將參賽作品依屬性分類分析,以了解作品屬性之未來趨勢,使用之研究方法為個案研究法。 本研究使用App Store作為分類依據,而研究發現,近四年大會專題類(含跨組別隊伍)各作品屬性中,參賽隊數百分比前三名之屬性依序為17_工具程式16%、7_生活風格11%、2_教育10%。屬性17_工具程式作品之參賽隊數(229隊)、決賽隊數(124隊)、得獎隊數(50隊)、前三名隊數(36隊)與第一名隊數(13隊)皆名列第一。參賽隊數前三名細項依序為無線控制(15%)、城市指南(13%)、一般研究(12%)。


This research is based on the rewarding records of national university innovation competition of information application service for 11 years. In order to gain a better understanding of the future development of the entries, the entries are divided by their attributes which are according to the school analysis and the understanding of the competition situation. The research method is case study. The research's classification is App Story. As the result of the research, the top 3 percentage of the attributes of the entries from the independent studies (including crossover team) are 17_Utilities, 7_Lifestyle and 2_Education. Furthermore, the amount of the competing teams, the amount of the final competing teams, the amount of the winning teams, the amount of the top three teams and the amount of the top teams of 17_tool software are all the first. The top 3 specific items of entries are Remote Controls, City Guide and General Research.


AppleAppStore TrendStudy CompetitionResults


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