  • 學位論文


The 2019 teaching reforms in Taiwan and the perspectives of philosophy teaching in France: What roles for the development of the teaching of critical thinking in Taiwan?

指導教授 : 馬朱麗


隨著科技發展的進步,未來也會有未知的變化,而台灣社會面臨少子化、人口逐漸高齡化,網路及資訊發展快速、新興工作不斷增加,現在教育也該因應社會需求、與時代俱進,讓孩子擁有面對多元挑戰的能力。 台灣的教育培養出了缺乏學習意願的孩子,學生學習是為了獲取高分、為了日後工作賺錢,導致對於就業市場相對冷門的科目不受到重視,而以往台灣教育不培養無法測量的能力,過度注重考試成績,導致學生空有知識而不會應用。 教育部為培養能面對未來轉變的孩子,而制定了十二年國民基本教育課程綱要,其以「自發」、「互動」、「共好」為基本理念,以「成就每一個孩子—適性揚才、終身學習」為願景,而訂定四項課程目標:一、啟發生命潛能;二、陶養生活知能;三、促進生涯發展;四、涵育公民責任。 第一章介紹台灣語法國教育制度以及批判性思考教育發展 第一小節介紹台灣教育歷史,以了解台灣教育是如何發展至今,認識台灣教育的發展脈絡,之後介紹台灣現在的教育制度,從幼稚園到大學是如何規劃實施以及其入學與考試體制,同時也簡單介紹2019最新課綱的內容。從第一小節,了解台灣教育制度之後,接著第二小節來看在新課綱實施之前,在這樣的教育制度下,產生何種文化影響,分別從三個層面-教育、社會、學生來看,從而瞭解導致現今台灣缺乏思考教育的可能原因。第三節介紹法國思考教育的脈絡,以及其優缺點,以提供台灣在思考教育的參考方向,最後比較法國思考教育與台灣思考教育的發展的不同,以便之後做為參考。 第二章介紹台灣教育改革的歷史與改革目的 第一小節介紹台灣教育史上的重大改革,每次教改的目的及其改革方向,從升學管道的改變到課程內容的重大變革,最後詳細介紹最新課綱的內容。第二小節介紹在教育改革的方向中,關於批判性思考教育上的發展脈絡,從每一次的改革方向,從一開始的基本能力到學科知識,再到新課綱的適性學習,了解台灣在批判性思考教育發展上的進步。從上述的結果中,在第三節我們將整理出到目前為止,台灣在批判性思考上尚需加強的部分,例如批判性思考育的師資培訓,缺少教材,以及目前新課綱所面臨的問題等。 第三章將訪談現任教師,了解他們的教學理念與理想,對於現新課綱的想法,以及在因應新課綱教學上所遇到的困難,對於新課綱的想法與建議。第一小節對於訪談內容作綜合性說明,包含每位教師的教學理念、課程規劃,最後是老師們對於課綱的想法與建議第二小節首先了解新課綱中所蘊含的批判性思考概念。再參考訪談內容中關於課程實踐過程中的批判性思考內涵概念,綜合以上所述,提出台灣再批判性思考教育所遇到的困境,以及未來可能改進的方面。第三分析法國的批判性思考教育能帶給台灣什麼樣的參考方向。這部分由三個面向來進行分析。分別是師資訓練、課程主題、最後是教學方法。


With the development of technology, there will also be unknown changes in the future. In recent years, Taiwanese society has faced declining birth rates, gradual aging of the population, rapid development of the Internet, and emerging jobs continue to increase. Now, Taiwanese education must meet social needs so that children can have the ability to meet multiple challenges in a rapidly growing future. The 12-year basic education curriculum guidelines have been developed based on the spirit of holistic education, adopting the concepts of taking initiative, engaging in interaction and seek the common good to encourage students to become spontaneous and motivated learners. Chapter 1 - The school system and the teaching of critical thinking in Taiwan and France The first step is to present the French Taiwanese education system and the development of the teaching of critical thinking in Taiwan. We will first explain the historical development of Taiwanese education to understand the development background of Taiwanese education. After that, we will study Taiwan's current education system, how it is planned and implemented from kindergarten to university, and its entrance and examination system by briefly introducing the contents of the latest curriculum. Then, after understanding the education system in Taiwan, we will examine the cultural influence of such an education system before the implementation of the new curriculum, from the perspective of three directions - education, society and students, to understand the reasons possible reasons for the lack of thought education in Taiwan. Finally, we will look at the context of teaching critical thinking in France, as well as its strengths and weaknesses, in order to provide a reference direction for critical thinking in Taiwan by comparing the development of critical thinking in France and critical thinking in Taiwan for future reference. Chapter 2 - The Evolution of Educational Reform in Taiwan Second, we will present the history and purpose of educational reform in Taiwan. We will first introduce the major reforms in the history of education in Taiwan, the purpose and direction of each education reform, from the change of entry into higher education to major changes in the content of the program, and finally the content of the last program will be presented in detail. Then, we will explain the context of the development of critical thinking in education in the direction of educational reform. We will discuss the direction of each reform, from “Ability” to “Subject Knowledge” at the beginning, to “Optional Subject” of the new curriculum, to think about the progress in teaching critical thinking in Taiwan. Finally, we will classify, so far, the parts of Taiwan's critical thinking teaching that can be strengthened, such as teacher training for critical thinking teaching, lack of teaching materials and problems of the current new program. Chapter 3 - Current practices of critical thinking in the Taiwanese school system and possible solutions for developing critical thinking in Taiwan Finally, we will present the results of the questions posed to secondary school teachers in Taiwan to understand their teaching philosophy and ideals, their thoughts on the new curriculum and the difficulties encountered in teaching the new curriculum, as well as their ideas and suggestions for the new program. First, we will give a comprehensive analysis of the content of the interviews, including each teacher's teaching philosophy, program planning, and finally the teachers' ideas and suggestions on the program. Then, we will first situate the concept of critical thinking in the new program before then identifying its place during the practice of teachers in their application of the program. This will help to highlight the difficulties encountered in teaching critical thinking in Taiwan and to suggest possible avenues for future improvement. Finally, we will identify what type of reference orientation the teaching of French critical thought can bring to Taiwan. This part is analyzed under three aspects. These are teacher training, course topics and finally teaching methods.


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