  • 學位論文

由大陸地區人民非法入境台灣 地區問題論兩岸政府防制作為

The practice of cross-strait's authorities on China's illegal immigrant to Taiwan

指導教授 : 潘錫堂


戒嚴時期,大陸地區人民非法入境台灣地區為數極少,民國76年7月15日,政府宣佈解除戒嚴,同年11月2日開放大陸探親之後,大陸地區人民即不斷自「空中」或「海上」一批批的湧向台灣,非法入境,尤其俗稱「大陸偷渡犯」-搭船自海上偷渡來台者,更是前仆後繼、絡繹於途,對於國家安全、海防、國境管理,均造成前所未有的衝擊;而政府為了處理日益增多的非法入境大陸地區人民,已投入了相當可觀的人力與經費,在查緝與防制方面,也無法有效遏止大陸偷渡犯之入境。   根據行政院大陸委員會所公佈的問卷調查結果顯示,大陸人民自海上偷渡來台者,百分之63.2係由當地蛇頭安排,大陸親友安排者,僅占百分之13,所以大陸偷渡犯能源源不斷的偷渡來台,全靠負責仲介、接運的「人蛇集團」,若沒有「人蛇集團」的穿針引線、狼狽為奸,則大陸偷渡犯無論自「海上」或「空中」非法入境,均屬不易,尤其「偷渡保證班」開辦之後,「人蛇集團」的一貫作業流程,其運作之精密,更令人嘆為觀止;近年來,大陸偷渡潮,更不斷湧向美、日、加拿大•••等國,儼然已成為「國際性」之問題,而載運偷渡犯的船舶,幾乎都是台灣籍,引起有關國家之抗議與嚴重關切,對我政府形象影響至鉅,而其罪魁禍首亦是「人蛇集團」,由此可知「人蛇集團」在偷渡上不但扮演重要角色,且具有舉足輕重之地位,所以要有效防制大陸偷渡犯,首先要徹底瓦解「人蛇集團」,而要有效打擊「人蛇集團」,兩岸必須拋棄成見,通力合作,積極交換蛇頭情報,唯有合作無間,共同殲滅「人蛇集團」,才有成功之可能。   由於筆者長期擔任警察與海巡工作,肩負第一線的查緝大陸偷渡犯之任務,深知大陸人民非法入境對台灣的影響深遠,包括危害國家安全、破壞社會治安、影響經濟發展、增加政府財政負擔及威脅國民健康;特別是中共始終未放棄武力犯台之意圖,所以對非法入境之大陸偷渡犯均不可掉以輕心。因此,筆者要從政策面、法制面與執行面研究比較兩岸政府之查緝與防制之異同、優缺,並以如何加強入出境管理、鞏固海防,藉以提昇查緝大陸偷渡犯之績效,及有效防制大陸偷渡為研究之目的。   本研究共分五章,第一章緒論,說明研究主題之意義、研究動機與目的、研究途徑與方法、及研究範圍與限制。   第二章大陸地區人民偷渡成因與現況,分析偷渡之成因、偷渡態樣、偷渡模式、時間、趨勢,再論述大陸地區人民非法入境對台灣之影響,包括對國家安全、社會治安、經濟發展、財政負擔及公共衛生;第三章兩岸政府防制作為之比較,比較兩岸政府有關偷渡法令規定不同、優缺,並比較兩岸查處偷渡概況暨行政實踐;第四章兩岸處理偷渡犯所面臨之問題與「人蛇集團」之探討,首先介紹兩岸處理偷渡所面臨困難問題,再就「人蛇集團」產生原因,對台灣影響以及兩岸對「人蛇集團」處罰說明,最後結論認為唯有嚴懲蛇頭是最容易減少偷渡犯罪的方法;第五章結論,乃整合研究心得與建議。


When Taiwan was a district under martial law, the number of illegal immigrant from China to Taiwan was quite few. On 15th July 1987, Taiwan government declared the termination of martial law, and allowed Taiwanese to visit their relatives in China on 2nd November, which caused more and more people from China continuously headed to Taiwan illegally via sea or air route. Those illegal immigrants, especially so called “smuggling criminal from China” who emigrant illicitly through sea transportation, brought unprecedented impact on our nation’s safety, coast defense, and territory management. Our government has put in considerable financial and human resources on precaution and prevention of the increasing illegitimate entrance, but failed to stem it effectively. According to he survey promulgated by the China Committee of the Executive Yuan, 63.2% of stow away criminals from China were arranged by local smuggling dealers, and only 13% were preplanned by their relatives in China. Therefore, the main reason why illegal stow away could come to Taiwan incessantly is that the smuggling dealers (usually gathered as a crime organization) well-planned consulted and transported unlicensed emigrants. Without the assistance from Alien Smuggling Organization, stow away through sea or air route wouldn’t be an easy task. How premeditated their operation was, for example, the process of illegal emigration was highly shrewd and unrivaled—the dealers provided their clients with “100% guarantee successful smuggling project,” which severely astounded the authorities in Taiwan. In recent years, the trend of illegal immigration from China gradually spread to other countries, such as America, Japan, Canada, etc. It has become an international problem. What’s worse, the ships committed with stow away project were mostly from Taiwan. The above mentioned situation aroused strong protest and concern from the related countries. It deeply disgraced our public image. In this case, the alien smuggling organization is the arch criminal which we could ascertain the cause with. The alien smuggling organization plays an important part in stow-away crimes and determined most of cases to be committed. To practically cease the illegal entrance from China, our authorities should disintegrate the alien smuggling organization. To collapse the alien smuggling organization, the cross straits authorities should abandon their prejudice, cooperate and exchanged the information about smuggling. In this way the alien smuggling organization could be exterminated. The author of this paper has been worked both as a police officer and coast guarder for decades, also has been in charged of the investigation of alien smuggling organization. He is deeply aware of the immense influence (brought by the illegal emigration from China) on the aspect of national safety, social security, economical development financial burden and public sanitation. Owing to the fact that Mainland China never give up the possibility of attacking Taiwan, so we should never ignore the problem of illegal immigration. Furthermore, the author would compare the similarities and dissimilarities, the advantage and disadvantage of the cross-striats governments’ policies (Mainland China and Taiwan) via political and legislation views, and mentioned how to practically prevent illegal immigrants from China through strict enforcement of entry and departure management and strengthen the coast guard. The research includes five chapters; the first one is introduction, which briefly mentioned the theme, motivation, goal, researching ways, range and limitation of this research. The second chapter analysis the cause, the style, modulate, time and trend of illegal immigration according to nowadays stow away situation. The later part is about the influence caused by illegal immigration on Taiwan from the aspect of national safety, social security, economical development financial burden and public sanitation. The third one compares the policies of the cross-straits governments against illegal emigration, pros and cons; meanwhile views the official enforcement of precaution and investigation about stow away in real situation. Fourth chapter discusses about the alien smuggling organization and the problems aroused from dealing with stow away criminals. In the former part it introduce the problems faced by both governments and the later part consults about the formation of alien smuggling organization and consider why the alien smuggling organization was formed, the influence of alien smuggling organization on Taiwan and how the cross-strait governments disciplines the alien smuggling organization. Finally concludes that only severe punishment would be the way to cease illegal immigration. In the last chapter, the author integrated his viewpoints and suggestion.


(五) 財團法人海峽交流基金會http://www.sef.org.tw/
一、 書籍
(一) 王泰銓。最新中華人民共和國法律、法規彙編,台北:翰蘆圖書出版有限公司,2002年12月。
(二) 行政院大陸委員會編著。防制大陸地區人民非法入境,台北:陸委會,1997年6月。


