  • 學位論文


The modernization of China air force:Make a study of bringing in the 4th generation of warplane and combat training

指導教授 : 曾復生


中共空軍自建軍以來,一直被定位為支援陸軍作戰的輔助軍種,直至波灣戰爭,大規模、長時間的獨立空中進攻作戰,無論作戰理論、武器裝備或是部隊結構與教育訓練,因為戰爭的報導而眼界大開,波灣戰爭使中共軍隊見識到西方現代空軍力量的巨大威力,於是開始修正空軍作戰理論,同時中共因經濟持續的成長與前蘇聯的瓦解,使中共有充裕的經費購買俄羅斯先進的蘇愷戰機,使得中共空軍無論在武器裝備與作戰理論上,有了跨越式的成長。雖是如此,中共空軍的現代化並未就此踏上坦途,在換裝的過程可謂困難重重,除了俄羅斯在後勤支援上的刁難,由於空軍普遍缺乏高性能戰機的保養經驗,且中國大陸氣候濕度高於原產地等因素,致使蘇愷戰機初期的戰備能力不佳,相關作戰訓練也無法順利開展,新型戰機由於性能優異,設計觀念和以往不同,因此大部分的飛行員對於接觸新型戰機之初,需要一段時間克服心理障礙並拋棄舊有的戰術觀念,此外飛行員訓練時數不足、缺乏先進的模擬訓練,而持續高強度的訓練,已導致諸多負面效應。 針對上述問題,中共空軍針對訓練及後勤的問題,作出改革,一方面施以模擬機訓練,以及運用空戰演練儀檢討訓練成效,注重飛行員心理調適來因應。並開發蘇愷戰機飛行模擬器,生產L-15高級噴射部訓機作為換裝之用,以及改善生活、提高待遇,招收碩士、雙學士、學士為飛行員主要來源,種種的改革就是為了成立一支現代化的空軍。 縱觀而言,中共空軍第四代戰機的作戰訓練能力仍有精進的空間;而中共空軍作戰能力,亦因作戰指揮的經驗不足、第四代戰機妥善率低,因此中共空軍戰機雖然在質量上有相當的成長,但若要戰術、戰法成熟,後勤保障無虞且飛行員訓練成熟,進而能與先進國家空軍相比,尚需要一段時間,但是可預見的是這段時間並不會太短。


Since China Air Force established, has been assistance unit for Army, their point of view had been changed until Golf-war. weather in big scope and long time air strike, combat theory, weapons, military organization and training, China military realized that western modern Air Force had an critical influence. So they started to modify air force combat theory, as long as the economical keeping growing and USSR collapse, China have abundant budget to purchase modern SK fighter form USSR and then made China Air Force growing both in weapon and combat theory. However, the modernization of China Air Force did not smooth going, had a lot of problems during receiving new warplane. Besides USSR did not willing in logistical support, short of maintenance experience with high-tech warplane, and humidity was too high, made SK fighter were bad in the beginning, and also could not do the combat training. Due to the excellence performance of modern warplane, had different point of view in design, so when most of pilots first contacted this warplane, it took time to overcome psyche and forgot outmoded tactics skill, and pilots did not train enough time, lack of modern simulation, but keep high risks training had made a lot of bad influence. In accordance with these problems, China Air Force made innovation for training and logistic, using simulation for training and air combat training system to tell results, paid attentions to pilots psyche. And manufactured L-15 jet plane for training, and improved living standard, incoming and selecting master degree and bachelor degree as pilots, they did a lot of innovation for building a modern Air Force. As a comprehensive survey, China Air Force still need to promote in combat training ability. Although the amount China Air Force warplane added a lot, but combat ability still immature compared with modern Air Force countries, and due to lack of combat command experience, and 4th generation warplane were bad in maintenance, China Air Force still had a long way to go, and I believed it takes long time.


鍾堅,中共推動軍事現代化對我防衛作戰之影響。國防部委託計畫案,2000 年。


