  • 學位論文


A Study on the Serrice Quality of Expectation and Satisfaction beat R.O.C. Air Force of Person Recruit

指導教授 : 薛曉華


我國近年因政治、社會環境的快速變遷,從社會大眾不願服兵役或役期縮短之民情期望與要求,加上少子化趨勢,導致役男役期過短及兵源不足的問題,使國軍在推動武器裝備現代化、提升人力專業素質及經驗傳承方面均是一大考驗,使國軍各級幹部對於「募兵制」的推動認知已是趨勢。 國軍招募志願士兵全有賴於國軍招募人員平日之努力及辛勞,加上我國募兵制度及軍人福利待遇與其他國家相比,已略顯不足,故如何招攬高素質優秀人才,已達「募兵制」之要求,全賴招募人員平日之服務水準。本研究以空軍各基地在營服役之志願士兵為研究對象,藉以瞭解其對空軍招募工作服務品質期待與滿意度之差異,藉此二構面,以了解其間的相關性,藉此提供空軍招募人員爾後精進方式,並為空軍負責招募之部門制訂相關政策擬定之依據。 本研究採問卷調查方式,計發出2441份問卷,有效問卷2244份,回收有效問卷率達91.93%。所得資料以敘述性統計(Descriptive Statistics)、推論性統計分析(Inferred Statistics Analysis)之獨立樣本t檢定(t-test Analysis)及相關分析(Product-Moment Correlation Analysis)及等方法,來進行檢驗驗證。研究結果發現: 1.空軍志願士兵對於招募工作具有高度的服務品質期待程度。 2.空軍志願士兵對於招募工作服務滿意度僅中偏高之滿意程度。 3.空軍志願士兵不因各不同背景變項對招募工作服務品質期待與服務滿意度有顯著之差異。


In the recent years, because of the instant change of the social circumstances, the major public opinion, and the low birth rate, the MND faces the issue of manpower shortage. The issue also affects the military modernization and the preparedness. Thus, the MND has to put the “All Volunteer System” into serious consideration. The effect of recruiting operations mainly depends on the hard working of recruiters. On the other hand, their service quality is the main factor for gaining high-quality manpower. The purpose of the study focuses on the satisfaction and expectation of the volunteer soldiers in the ROC Air Force to the recruiting service and policy, tries to figure out the relevance between the two aspects, and improves the current recruiting service and procedure for the better manpower and recruiting effect. The study uses questionnaire. The total of the sample is 2,441. The effective sample is 2,244. The rate is 91.93%. The material is verified by descriptive statistics, inferred statistics analysis, t-test analysis and product-moment correlation analysis. The results of the study are: 1.The volunteer soldiers have high expectation to the recruiting service. 2.The volunteer soldiers have Intermediate satisfaction to the recruiting service. 3.The satisfaction and the expectation have significant differences base on the different background of the volunteer soldiers.


