  • 學位論文


The Study of Data Mining Approach Implements on The Delivery Services and Online to Offline Business Model

指導教授 : 廖述賢


網路科技發達以及人手一機的時代,購物模式也不僅僅侷限於傳統的實體店面購物,增加了網路和外送平台等管道。外送服務為一種新型態的購物方式,現代人白天上班生活忙碌,晚上下班只想待在家裡休息的生活習慣,再加上疫情爆發後,逐漸流行起宅經濟,不論是單純的餐飲外送,或是擴及到生鮮商品等各式商品的外送服務,皆使這種購物模式逐漸崛起成為現代人們的主流。但要如何將實體、網路和外送這三種購物通路做結合,並了解三種通路消費者的消費行為,最後發展成新的商業模式,即為本研究的研究目的。 本研究通過集群分析以及關聯規則來探討不同集群之顧客在外送服務、實體購物和網路購物之間的消費行為,並挖掘其中的關聯,而分析後的結果將以知識地圖的表現方式提供外送以及實體和網路業者作為虛實整合之商業模式上的參考與建議。


With the development of Internet technology, the vast majority has owned at least one mobile device in their hands. Online shopping and delivery service have risen, making physical store shopping isn't the only option to shop now. Delivery service is a new type of shopping way. Modern people are busy with work and life all the time, so they just want to take a rest or stay at home after an annoyed day. Due to so many reasons, stay-at-home economy has gradually become more and more popular, whether it is simple dining outside amid COVID-19. The delivery service of food, or the delivery service extending to various commodities such as vegetable, meat, fish and so on. These shopping modes gradually rise into the mainstream of modern people. However, to combine the three shopping channels of physical shopping, online shopping, and delivery services for the understanding of consumers' consumption, and to create a new buisiness model are the research purposes of the study. This study uses cluster analysis and association rules to mine the correlations, and to explore the consumption behavior of customers in different clusters. Using delivery services, physical stores, and online shopping as references and suggestions for business models. The results of the analysis will provide external information in the form of knowledge maps.


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