  • 學位論文


A New Field of Communication, Power and Culture - Studies of Papers and Magazines made by Chinese Students in Japan in later Qing Dynasty.

指導教授 : 周彥文
共同指導教授 : 連清吉(Qing-Ji Lian)


本文以晚清中國留日學生在日本編輯、發行的報刊作為主要的研究對象,經由整理留日學生刊物的內容與傳播過程,探究新式傳播媒介如何加速中國政治、社會乃至於文化上的結構性轉變。內容共分為四個部分,分列如下: 第一部份說明造成晚清留日風潮的原因和留日學生在日本從事的政治、文化活動。甲午戰爭後,留日學生在官方的鼓勵與日本有利的條件配合之下,人數快速的增加。政治上,受到民族主義的影響,他們曾發動大規模的罷課運動,甚至是集體歸國。文化上,他們透過組織同鄉會、讀書會,漢譯大量的日譯西書並發行報刊介紹西方思想。 第二部份則說明留日學生報刊是如何在中國向內、向下的傳播,以構築晚清的輿論空間和公眾場域。一八九五年之後,維新士人積極利用新式傳播媒介做為啟發民智的工具,然而戊戌政變後,清廷關閉所有報館,報刊遂轉向租界或海外,此時日本成為一個重要的據點,它集合了空間、人員、思想資源和文化機構等四個要素,形成了一個官方權威之外,可以公開使用理性批判的場域。經由日本到上海再到口岸,而後漸次到全國各鄉鎮的傳播過程,中國輿論空間得以擴張到下層階級或一般民眾。藉由共同讀物的閱讀,雖然現實上,因為社會階層或生活環境的不同,所佔據的實際空間,常常是各自分開的,但由於報刊造成的「參觀情境」,使他們得以擁有一個「公眾場域」。 第三部份是梳理留日學生刊物與中國政治權力之間的交互關係。依其演變分三個層次作為探討的主軸。其一是利用文獻歸納分析留日報刊高度政治化之後,所構築出來的新權力場。其次是探討清政權對此新興場域的回應;從開始時的壓制到後來的規範,藉由這些政策的轉變,探討此權力場的構成與轉換。其三,探討士人如何藉此權力場的運作,維護以往的文化優勢並以此宣傳自己的政治立場。 第四部份的論述重點則探究留日學生利用報刊傳播新思想時,對語言、文化上可能造成的影響。以三個方面來說明,分別是詞彙、文體和思想資源。晚清留日學生在這個由報刊所構築的場域裡,翻譯、引介西方思想,產生了大量的介詞,這批新詞彙進入了漢語詞彙系統,對人們原有的觀念體系也產生衝擊力量和補充作用。由於留日學生在翻譯西方學理的實際操作過程中十分倉促,透過仿效日本文體的構句,創造出一種「日本直譯體」,產生一種文言過渡至白話的「新文體」,結果造成中國書面體的轉變。在思想資源方面,留日學生將當時日本出版品中轉譯的西方學術消化挪用,刊登於他們所發行的書籍報刊上,將模仿轉譯的對象由西方轉移至日本。使中國走上一條以日本為中介來學習西方文化的道路,日本遂成為晚清中國新思想輸入的主要渠道。 本文最後歸結報刊在晚清的重要性,這個由新式傳播媒介所構築的新場域,最終加速並引導了當時政治、社會和文化上的變革。


晚清留日學生 報刊 傳播


Subject of my studies is activities of editing and publishing newspapers and magazines, carried out by Chinese students in Japan during the late Qing period. Through examine the contents and process of transmission of these newspapers and magazine, I will explore how these kind of new mass media had accelerated the structural changes of China’s politics, society and culture. My argument is divided into 4 parts stated as bellows: First part deal with reasons contribute to the massive trends of Chinese students studying in Japan during late Qing, and their political and cultural activities during their stay. After The Russo-Japanese War, numbers of Chinese students studied abroad increase rapidly due to encouragement by the Qing authority and cooperative efforts from Japan. In aspect of politics, students influenced by nationalism had mobilized massive boycott to attend classes and even returned to China collectively. In aspect of culture, they formed associations of fellow provincials , reading clubs, did massive translation from Japanese into Chinese on Western works which had been translated into Japanese. They also introduced western thought through publishing newspapers and magazines. Second part of my dissertation explain how these papers and magazine published by Chinese students in Japan transmitted and circulated among the people in China inwardly and downwardly, to constitute the public sphere in late Qing. After 1895, the reformers utilized new mass media fully as means of enlightenment. However after the WuXu coup, Qing authority had ordered to shut down all press, thus the later shifted their operation to concession and overseas. Japan was amongst such important fortified point, it gathered all essential elements such as space, manpower, resources of thoughts and cultural constitution, to form a public sphere whereby reasoning critiques can be carried out in public, outside the control of official authority. From Japan via Shanghai to the ports, and eventually to various villages and towns all over the country, the Chinese public sphere was transmitted to lower class and the mass. Through shared reading on common works, papers and magazine created a spectacle context , which supplied the mass with a public sphere, although in reality, the exact spaces were separated due to differences of social classes and living environment . Third part would analyze the mutual relationship between publications by Chinese students in Japan and the political power of China. I would divide the main theme into three categories according to its development. First of all is to analyze and induce from the text, the newly formed field of power due to the highly political nature of the papers and magazine run by Chinese students study abroad. Secondly, to study responses of Qing authority on these newly formed field, which has shown an oppressive nature initially and end up with docile. My dissertation would tract this changes in policy, to examine the constitution and transformation of this field of power. Finally, to examine how the intellectuals had manipulated the operation of this field of power, to sustain their superiority in culture and to propagate their political stand. Part four emphasize the potential impacts on languages and culture during the transmission of new thought through papers and magazine. This dissertation will clarify it from 3 perspectives, which are vocabulary, genre and resources of idea respectively. Chinese students in Japan during late Qing had done massive translation and introduction of western thought through the Field which was constructed by papers and magazine. As a results, plenty of new vocabulary has been introduced and merged into the vocabulary system of Hanyu( the Chinese language), created intensive impact and supplement to the system of thought which was previously exist . Since the process of translation and introduction of western theories had been carried out too hastily, syntactic construction which imitate Japanese genre had created a kind of Genre of Japanese Direct Translation , producing New Genre which is a transition between GuWen( classical Chinese) and Bai Hua ( modern Chinese). This New Genre has changed Chinese literary language as well. In the aspect of resource of idea, through translation of Japanese publication , Chinese students digested and applied western theories carried in it, and reproduced it in books, papers and magazine which they published. In such a way, Japan had become a medium through which new thoughts from western was imported into China during late Qing. In other words, China was depending on Japan in its process of acquiring western culture. Finally, this dissertation conclude the importance of papers and magazine in late Qing, this new field constructed by new form of mass media had finally accelerated the transformation of politics, society and culture during that period.


