  • 學位論文


A study of the relationship between leadership style and member interaction for professional teams

指導教授 : 李培齊


組織為了提升效率以及效能而進行重整時,會傾向以團隊模式來設計組織結構,以便激發員工的潛能,來達到一加一大於二的綜效。然而對許多領導者而言,人事管理遠比商品管理來的複雜許多,而管理專業團隊更是挑戰管理者在管理方式上的靈活程度。領導者在專業團隊的運作上必須具備高度的對應能力,以避免產生人際關係的衝突,這也是團隊能成功及進而奠定組織成功的關鍵因素。本研究透過問卷的調查與分析,瞭解那些因素會造成專業團隊的衝突,並同時探討如何運用領導風格與管理技巧來增加專業團隊成員間的良性互動。 本論文以專業團隊成員為研究對象,對各醫療機構的醫療人員發出問卷,地區包括台灣北、中部各醫療院所,醫療機構等級則包含教學醫院、區域醫院、診所及護理之家,總共發出270份問卷,有效回收問卷255份,有效問卷回收率94.4%,獲得以下研究結果: 1.專業團隊中,成員間的衝突主要是由個人差異所造成。 2.專業團隊中,領導者結合交易型領導與轉換型領導的方式較能增加團隊成員 之間的良性互動。 3.專業團隊的領導者,對成員展示出即刻讚賞及提供教育培訓,能增加成員之 良性互動。 最後,也提供團隊領導者相關的管理建議,並提出本論文在執行研究過程中所發現的限制及問題,以作為相關後續研究者研究方向之參考。 關鍵字:專業團隊、團隊衝突、團動互動


Abstract: The objective of organizational re-structuring is to enhance efficiency and performance for an organization. More often tan not, it is facilitated through team works to inspire organizational members to obtain the fruit of “synergy.” For many leaders, personnel management is far more complicated than commodity management. Furthermore, professional team leaders would always face the challenges of leadership flexibilities. To avoid direct interpersonal conflict, leaders in professional teams must own high levels of savoir-faire. It is one of the keys to the success of professional team leading. This study is targeted at professional team members. Data were collected from members in professional teams within medical institutions, including teaching hospitals, regional hospitals, clinics, and nursing homes in the northern and southern parts of Taiwan. There are 255 valid questionnaires obtained out of 270 questionnaires. The overall response rate is 94.4%. Suggestions of the study are as the followings: 1. Conflict among members is mainly caused by individual differences in professional teams. 2. In professional teams, a combination of transactional leadership and transformational leardership is more likely to produce funcational interactions for team members. 3. Leaders who exhibit immediate appreciation and the willingness to provide professional trainings to members would promote functional interactions for team members. Finally, limitations of the research, future research directions, and theoretical and practical interpretations of this study were discussed.


