  • 學位論文


The Empirical Study on the Relationships among Human Capital, Diversification and Financial Performance of Accounting Firms in Taiwan:A Case of Partnership Pattern

指導教授 : 張寶光


本研究旨在探討審計服務市場具主導性的合夥型會計師事務所之人力資本、業務多樣化及其交互作用對財務績效之影響。本研究採用我國財政部統計處「會計師事務所服務業調查報告」78年至92年度之資料庫進行分析,除了以整體合夥型會計師事務所為對象加以實證外,並將樣本區分成高專業合夥型及低專業合夥型等不同屬性之次樣本,分別採用二因子變異數(two-way ANOVA)及共變數分析(analysis of covariance; ANCOVA)的迴歸加以實證。 整體之研究結論為,人力資本水準之高低將影響到合夥型會計師事務所之獲利能力,業務多樣化程度與人力資本水準之交互作用亦影響到合夥型會計師事務所之獲利能力。而此一實證結果將因不同屬性之會計師事務所而異,在低專業合夥型會計師事務所未出現前述之顯著結果,高專業合夥型會計師事務所則具較明顯之結果,故臆測整體合夥會計師事務所之結果可能由高專業合夥型會計師事務所驅動而成。 本研究之結論隱含兩項重要之管理意涵:其一,屬於以人為主的會計師事務所在提供其專業服務且慮及獲利績效時,會計師事務所人力資本水準之高低扮演著關鍵性之角色。其二,會計師事務所若單純地擴大其業務的多樣化程度,並未能對其獲利能力產生系統化之影響。然而,若將業務多樣化程度與人力資本之不同水準進行組合時,則能發現較具系統化之關聯性。


The purpose of this research project is to study the empirical study on the relationship among human capital, diversification and financial performance of accounting firms in Taiwan. This study analyzed Annual Report of Accounting Firms surveyed by the Ministry of Finance of R.O.C., between 1989and 2003. Samples are divided into all partnership accounting firms, high professional and low professional partnership accounting firms. Further analysis was carried out, by means of a Two-way ANOVA and ANCOVA (analysis of covariance). The empirical result shows that different kinds of human capital level influence the profit rate of partnership accounting firms. The interaction of diversification and human capital level also influences the profit rate partnership accounting firms. Low professional partnership accounting firms do no show the significant effect. However, high professional partnership accounting firms show the significant effect. Predictability, the result of all partnership accounting firms will be driven by the high professional partnership accounting firms. The empirical result implies the two important values of management. First, the level of human capital plays a critical role while the accounting firm offers the professional service and considers the profit performance. Next, the accounting firm simply extends the degree of the diversification; it doesn’t systematically influence the profit rate. However, if the diversification interacts with the different level of human capital, it’s easy to find the systematic relationship.


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