  • 學位論文


The ROC’s Anti-terrorist Policy-A Focus on Intelligence and Security Institutions’operations

指導教授 : 王高成


美國911事件是冷戰後最大規模的一次恐怖自殺攻擊事件,死傷也最為慘重,事件發生後,全球國家安全戰略改變,在美國振臂一呼及聯合國決議文通過後,各國無不以「反恐」視為國家首要工作,紛紛制定反恐專法以為因應。我中華民國雖非聯合國會員國,但配合世界潮流,維護國土安全,也積極因應反恐措施。學術方面針對反恐領域,諸多專文亦紛紛付梓,唯獨對情報及治安機關在反恐工作上扮演的角色,並無專文討論。 反恐工作千頭萬緒,貴乎「事前防範」及「事後處理」。要「事前防範」,就要有綿密、精準的情報網作為耳目,才能防微杜漸;要「事後處理」,就有賴完備的相關法令及健全的司法制度,才能引法論處,兩者缺一不可,相互依存,這兩者更是國家執行反恐工作的利器。美國發生911事件,事先毫無預警,顯示出其情報系統出了問題。事後會立刻增修法令,也就是認為現行法令不足,有待加強。其一切作法就是要強化其情治機關反恐能量,亡羊補牢。這也是本文探討國內情治機關反恐作為的原因。 本文採文獻分析法蒐集相關理論文獻,對我國情治機關反恐作法進行研究。中華民國雖不是國際恐怖主義的主要攻擊目標,但恐怖組織攻擊的地點已從歐美轉移到亞洲甚至東南亞,而我國也不能排除恐怖份子以台灣為藏匿點或犯罪活動之中繼站,甚或以我航機作為攻擊美國之工具,加上為維護國土及境內人民生命財產安全,讓人民免於恐懼之自由,我國更不能忽視反恐工作,及情治機關在反恐工作所佔的地位,故情治機關執行反恐工作作法及成效如何,是本篇論文探討的焦點,作為我持續之反恐工作修正的參考。其餘內政、軍事、外交、經濟、兩岸事項不在研究範圍內。


反恐 情治機關 情報 911事件


Since September 11, 2001- the maximum suicide attack by terrorists, thousands of casualties and massive destructions caused the United Stated stood up and urged the United Nations resolution to fortify the strategy of global security. Anti-terrorist became the most important issue in nations. Although the ROC is not the member of UN, but we‘re not isolated from the trend of Anti-terrorist, and focus more on the infrastructure of national security against terrorism. This essay doesn’t similar with many articles published in academic area , but tries to emphasize the practical role of intelligence agency and law enforcement in the duty of Anti-terrorist. There’re many ways to fight against terrorists, “Pre-event” need a sophisticated and vivid network of intelligence gathering , is more crucial than the judicial system to bring terrorists to justice in “Post-event”, both can eliminate the energy of terrorist activities, American learned to improve their accuracy and efficiency of intelligence network after “911”, aimed at upgrade the strategy and tactic of nation’s intelligence agency to counter-terrorism, that’s exactly the same primary subject of this essay. Following context are the researches of ROC Anti-terrorist infrastructure , related articles selected by Methodology of Document Analysis, we’re not going to focus on domestic, military, diplomatic, economic or cross-straits relationship, but only go deep down to the facility, measurement and efficiency of Anti-terrorist in the ROC government, we all recognize ROC is not the first target of international terrorism, but we can not ignore the possibility of west-world terrorist activities transform to Asia or Southeast Asia, we must strengthen Taiwan customs checking point, maintain the ultimately safe airlines toward America and rest of the world , sweep down the darkest side of the lowest crimes, hope to make people feel safe and sound in Taiwan. We assure the Security Institutions’ of ROC will keep enhance the skill of Anti-terrorist, do their best to promise our people in Taiwan and international society a better tomorrow., then the goal of this essay will be reached.




