  • 學位論文


Ukraine 's Relations with Russia: balancing and bandwagoning

指導教授 : 何思因


在國際政治的體系之下,小國在面對大國時往往是弱勢的一方,也較少人重視。要全面了解國際政治運作除了探討大國間的政治運作之外,小國與大國之間的互動也同樣重要。小國與大國間若有複雜的關係拉扯更容易成為國際政治上的一波漣漪。擁有地緣關係與複雜利益牽扯的烏克蘭與俄羅斯乃是小國與大國之間相當好的例子。尤其俄羅斯面對烏克蘭與烏克蘭面對俄羅斯可說是截然不同的情況。以抗衡、扈從兩種概念作出發點,討論烏克蘭如何在抗衡與扈從間面對俄羅斯。 烏克蘭與俄羅斯不論是在文化上或經濟上關係深厚,自獨立以來烏克蘭便不斷尋求擺脫俄羅斯影響力的方法。但在俄羅斯視烏克蘭為禁臠的情況底下,加上烏克蘭經濟貿易與俄羅斯連結頗深,始終無法有效擺脫俄羅斯的影響。本文先從大國俄羅斯如何對付周邊小國談起,用多種手段讓其他小國扈從俄羅斯。在從烏克蘭角度討論對俄羅斯的態度為何難以改變。最後談到2014年爆發的克里米亞事件以及事件爆發後的關係變化。本文試圖透過烏克蘭與俄羅斯之間關係的變化來了解小國如何面對大國,以及遇到重大事件時小國如何拉攏其他大國來應對。提供小國更多元的生存之道。


抗衡 扈從 烏克蘭 俄羅斯 貿易 克里米亞


In the theory of international politics, it usually put too much strong on the powers so that we are hardly to discover a character of small powers and not fully understanding the functions of international politics. Actually, the key point of understanding the functions of international politics is to search for the interaction between a big state and a small state. It is complexity, but it makes us to clarify the secret of powers. The more it is complexity, the more it is valuable. In order to dig out the valuable things, as far as I am concerned, using the case study of Ukraine and Russia is the considerable example. First of all, no matter how Ukrainians view Russia or Russia view Ukrainians; we can know that there are the strategies of balancing and bandwagoning within them. Therefore, the concepts of balancing and bandwagoning will be focused on my paper. In addition, Ukraine and Russia had the similarities in language, culture and economic because Ukraine was a part of Soviet Union. Since Ukraine had been an independent country, Russia used statecraft to push small states to bandwagon itself and influence the internal conflict in Ukraine. Then, Ukraine is going to be no strengthens to against Russia. Sooner or later, Russia’s military intervened Ukrainian territory of Crimea in 2014. Finally, this paper tries to analysis how the diversity situation happened between Ukraine and Russia, to argue how the small states can answer and react to the powers’ action, and to provide how the small states play in the international system.


balancing bandwagoning Ukraine Russia trade Crimea


