  • 學位論文


The Study of China’s Development of New Urbanization and It’s Implication on One Belt and One Road Coordination Development

指導教授 : 翁明賢


本論文中國推動新型城鎮化發展兼論對一帶一路區域協調發展之影響共分三大部分論述 一、新型城鎮化的本質與內涵 中國自改革開放以來即推行「具有中國特色之社會主義」,亦即在計劃經濟的架構下,容許市場經濟的存在,然長期透過粗放、濫用的手段與方式推動城鎮化下,造成了「人口分布不均」與「資源濫用」等「城市病」,表面看似是市場經濟凌駕於計劃經濟所導致的弊端,因此,習近平上台後提出「新型城鎮化規劃」,藉由重新調合馬克思城市發展理論,將發展核心由土地轉向人,落實以人為本,企圖達到城鄉發展一致,最終實現「全面小康社會」的目標。 二、新型城鎮化發展影響因素與隱憂 以「蟻族」與「鬼城」兩大問題之解決來驗證新型城鎮化的實施,是否能「人口分布不均」與「資源濫用」,然而因著小城鎮的開發,交通便利性提高,反而農民工更有條件選擇所要居住的城市,故,原以小城鎮吸引農民工就近落戶的規劃,並未獲得農民工青睞,而北京、上海等一線城市,對於農民工的虹吸效力不減反增,小城鎮反成人口外流地區的「鬼城」。 三、新型城鎮化對一帶一路區域協調發展的影響 中國的經濟從2011年開始轉入經濟中高速的新常態。新型城鎮化戰略和一帶一路戰略正是新常態下保持和促進經濟中高速發展的兩個新的經濟增長點。一帶一路就是中國解決東西部經濟不均衡問題的處方,促使西部建立開放型的經濟體系,有利推動東中西經濟均衡發展,因此,一帶一路區域協調發展實須藉由新型城鎮化規劃的落實來達成。


China's promotion of new-type urbanization and its impact on the coordinated development of the Belt and Road region is divided into three parts: 1.The essence and connotation of new urbanization China has advocated the promotion of "socialism with Chinese characteristics", that is, under the framework of a planned economy, allowing the existence of a market economy. However, the long-term use of extensive and abusive methods and methods to promote urbanization has resulted in " “Urban diseases” such as “uneven population distribution” and “abuse of resources” seem to be caused by the market economy’s overriding the planned economy. Therefore, after Xi Jinping came to power, he proposed a “new urbanization plan” to reconcile Marx’s cities. The development theory shifts the core of development from land to people, implements a people-oriented approach, and attempts to achieve consistent urban and rural development, and ultimately achieve the goal of a "comprehensively well-off society". 2.Influencing factors and hidden worries of the development of new urbanization To verify the implementation of the new urbanization by solving the two major problems of "ant family" and "ghost cities", it was found that because of the improved transportation convenience, people are more able to choose the city they want to live in. Therefore, The plan of small used to attract migrant workers to settle nearby, has not been favored by migrant workers, Therefore, more migrant workers go to live in big cities, and more small towns become ghost towns. These two problems have not been effectively solved. 3. The impact of new urbanization on the coordinated development of the Belt and Road regions Since 2011, China's economy has turned into a new normal. The new-type urbanization strategy and the One Belt One Road strategy are two new economic growth points that maintain and promote the economic development under the new normal. The Belt and Road Initiative is China’s prescription to solve the problem of economic imbalance between the east and the west. It promotes the establishment of an open economic system in the west and promotes the balanced development of the east, middle, and west economies. Therefore, the coordinated development must be achieved through the implementation of a new urbanization plan.


