  • 學位論文


The Fitness Analysis on Learning Organization in Airlines Business

指導教授 : 李月華


許多知名的國際大企業,都紛紛在近年的年度報告中標榜要成為「學習型組織」,其中最為人稱道的案例包括: 殼牌石油集團的轉型成功,福特汽車的電機與燃料處理部,在轉變為成功的學習社群後營業額倍增。 除此之外,英國石油、英特爾、惠普、全錄、奇異、杜邦等大企業,也都在推行(天下文化,2004)。 以上實務界應用案例,證明了未來最成功的企業將是「學習型組織」。 目前航空市場競爭威脅不斷,航空公司若要尋求在複雜多變的環境下生存,是否應效法上述推動變革、成功轉型的企業,開始進行「學習型組織」的推動是一個相當值得研究的課題。 從相關資料顯示,全球航空業除西南航空外並無其他航空公司正式轉型成為「學習型組織」。 另一方面,從國內與「學習型組織」相關研究文獻的探討中發現,國內推行「學習型組織」的產業,多數集中在學校組織,截至目前為止,未有任何研究針對航空產業進行探討。 理論及實務界已紛紛證明推動「學習型組織」所帶來的強大優勢,同時也發現以下兩項可能導致失敗的因素: 1. 推動「學習型組織」時過於偏重理論,或應用方法未與日常管理實務結合。2. 推動「學習型組織」時,未能針對個別企業屬性來加以診斷,無法找出企業組織學習效果不佳的真正原因。 為避免以上情況發生,此份研究將著重針對航空產業個別企業屬性上進行組織現狀的診斷評量,本研究嘗試從目前在台營運的四十三家客貨運航空公司母體樣本中, 挑選出在組織特性上具顯著差異性之三家個案航空公司,透過實地深度訪談及問卷調查瞭解,航空產業組織現行制度面、員工認知與學習型組織特性上的配適度到何種程度? 若組織制度面、員工基層面與「學習型組織」的配適度呈現高度符合的航空公司,表示其未來在轉型成為「學習型組織」的成功機率就愈高。 從調查結果發現,目前在台營運個案航空公司組織,未隨全球組織發展腳步進行變革及計劃轉型成為學習型組織,在台營運不同國籍個案航空公司的基層員工已具備了中等程度的學習型組織能力,而在整體比較上,歐美個案航空公司的組織與學習型組織特性最接近。 本篇研究結果,可說是在台營運個案航空公司的初步體檢及計劃轉型為「學習型組織」前的一項自我診斷,透過這樣的診斷我們找到了存在航空公司組織中真正的問題所在及造成學習效果不佳的原因,據此我們提出改善方向及建議,相信如此必能大幅提昇航空公司未來正式導入學習型組織的成功機率。


Many case studies are provided to show how the learning organizations(LO) has worked in particular companies such as the British Petroleum, Intel, Hewlett, Xerox, GE etc.. While the crisis and changes continue to arise for airline business,the external environment becomes more competitive, those companies who have succeed in conducting LO appear more exemplary and evident that an organization restructure through the building of a LO can help airlines weather future storm. Southwest Airline is the only exception in airlines who has gained remarkable profits for years after having shifted to be a LO. However we found the majority of researches and case study groups are limited to school and educational institutes, scarcely involving with airline business. Both theory and practice have provided many cases explaining how does company expand its capacity through the building of a LO. At the same time, we conclude following two major premises where a company is probably unable to successfully transform to be a LO: 1. If company administer emphasized too much on the theory, also if the theory applied is not in alignment nor coherent with the practice in daily business operations. 2. If company didn’t consider characteristics of its own business so that cannot identify the real factors exists in company responsible for a poor performance in learning. To avoid the said misleading, I’ve detected the sampling frame from current 43 airlines in Taiwan and did take the said characteristics into consideration, then we’ve chosen 3 airlines who have different and distinctive focus in their organization design to be our case samples of LO assessment. In my study, both the in-depth interview with airline executives and Likert-type survey questionnaires among airline staff are used to examine the airlines in Taiwan and explore the degree to which they have LO characteristics. Certain research findings has confirmed that the more fitted with LO characteristics the company currently is, the more likely successful to be a LO the company will develop in the future.This essay is conducted through literature review, in-depth interview research and survey questionnaire . Our findings are as below: 1. There’s no airline in Taiwan has transformed to be a LO.2. Airline staff in Taiwan has met the LO measuring demands to a medium degree.3. The organization design of airline B from the United States has more LO characteristics than other airlines operated in Taiwan. We expect our research results will assist airlines in Taiwan realize how to develop and put a LO initiatives into action in the future after having a complete look of the gap between its current reality and a desired state.


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