  • 學位論文


A Study on Integrated and Competitive Strategy of telecommunication industry:A Case Study on T Company

指導教授 : 林志鴻 陳瑞貴


1980年代開始,隨著全球電信自由化的浪潮下,隨著科技進步與電信需求增加,原本由政府所完全掌握的電信產業,在面臨外國勢力的壓力及WTO要求開放的壓力下,加上自然獨占及公共性的條件消失下,開始朝向自由化與民營化方向進行,陸續開放第二代行動電話、固定網路、電三代行動電話以及無線寬頻接取等電信執照。 台灣電信業者在面臨綜合電信服務商中華電信的強大競爭壓力以及數位匯流(convergence)的趨勢下,陸續藉由市場購併與結盟等方式,整合了電信、資訊與傳播,提供行動、固網、網路三合一(Triple-Play)的整合性服務。 本論文根據Lin and Pao(2004)理論架構下,T公司在其使命陳述「成為企業最佳數位匯流整合夥伴」,分析出企業內部環境之關鍵因素為「整合電信集團內部資源」、產業環境之關鍵因素為「電信整合商,取代不易」以及總體環境因素之關鍵因素為「因應數位化整合趨勢」,據此形成其競爭策略「提供整合性服務」,符合該企業使命陳述,其結論可提供國內電信業者制定策略及經營之參考。


Abstract: Since 1980s, following the trend of global telecommunication deregulation, progress of technology and increasing demand for the communication, the telecom industry originally controlled by the government begins deregulating and privatizing, because it faces the pressure from the foreign power and WTO and the conditions of governments natural monopoly and publicness are disappeared. Thus, Government continually removes the restriction and releases the licenses of 2G mobile, fixed network, 3G mobile and Wimax etc. Integrating the telecom, information and mass media business, the telecom companies in Taiwan provide the "Triple-Play" service which is integrated by the mobile, the fixed network, and the internet through merging and alliances when it faces the heavy competing pressure from CHT and the trend of digital convergence. Basing on Lin and Pao’s theory structure and through analyzing, the essay find out that in order to achieve T company’s mission statement, "to be the best digital convergence integration partner for enterprise," the key factor for the internal enterprise environment is "to integrate the telecom group internal resource", for the industrial environment is "to become the synthetic telecom operator for its’ difficulty of replacement" and for the mass environment is "to keep up with the trend for the digital integration". Basing on this, the competing strategy is "to provide integrated service" to obey its mission statement. The conclusion can be used as the reference for any domestic telecom company to make the strategy and operate the business.


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