  • 學位論文


A Research on Japanese Apparel Companies: The Case Studies of UNIQLO, MUJI and SIMAMURA

指導教授 : 蔡錫勲


1991年開始,日本進入了平成不景氣的階段,又稱之為「失落的十年」。市場上價格破壞的勢力出現,使得消費者呈現低價格導向的消費行為。因此,在這個時期日本國內服飾業界出現了以低價策略進攻市場的專賣店。也就是在2000年被封為專賣店三巨頭的UNIQLO、MUJI、SIMAMURA。 本論文以上述三家日本企業作為案例研究,分析各家企業的組織架構、商業系統、市場行銷策略等。並且更進一步地探討如何制定一套企業持續競爭優勢的組織。 經由上述研究可得之,第一,SPA營運模式下和商品完全買賣制度下的流通方式,完全打破了以往的舊習。但不管在何種經營模式下,其主要目的都是為了減少不必要的資源浪費以及削減營運成本。第二,企業的品牌力會影響企業成長力。因此,將企業定位設定為全球化企業的UNIQLO和MUJI,為了提高品牌力以及收益,正積極地擴大海外市場。另一方面,日本國內擁有1400家以上的分店的SIMAMURA,海外據點僅只向台灣發展。相較之下,SIMAMURA對於日本國內市場極為重視。第三,從行銷策略來看,三巨頭所採取的方式截然不同。提供高品質、低價位休閒服飾的UNIQLO在行銷手法上,是三巨頭中表現最亮眼的企業。而MUJI貫徹企業本身的商品概念,以高品質、合理的價格提供從服飾、食品、生活雜貨等的多樣化商品。MUJI若能在商品促銷方面有所著墨,必定能得到消費者的青睞與獲利的提升。最後,雖然在經濟持續不景氣的情況下,但消費者對於商品的要求逐漸由價格導向轉為品質導向。以超低價策略進攻市場的SIMAMURA,若能在品質管理方面加以改善,再加上獨特的低成本營運模式,想必SIMAMURA今後也能朝著高收益、高成長之路邁進。


Japan entered the period of the HeiSei recession around 1991. It also called [The Lost Decade]. Consumer's purchasing had became to low-price orientation by the price busting competition. Then there came out the low-price specialty store in Japanese apparel industry. It was called the 2000's top three winners, UNIQLO, MUJI, SIMAMURA. In this research, I used case study method to analyze these three companies’ history, management structure, business system, marketing strategy, and further, how to formulate a set of the sustainable competitive advantage. After doing this research, we have found out three conclusions. First, a old commercial practice was destroyed by the distribution ways of the SPA model and the complete-purchase model. The purpose of two distribution ways is to reduce the non-essential resources and cost reducing. Second, the brand power will affect the enterprise’s growth power. Both UNIQLO and MUJI are expanding the overseas market to enhance the brand power and profit. On the other hand, SIMAMURA owns more than 1400 stores in Japan, chooses only to enter Taiwan market. It focuses on enlarging their market share in domestic market. Third, these top three winners have totally different marketing strategy. UNIQLO is famous by it’s outstanding marketing strategy. MUJI provides very wide product line from with high-quality and reasonable price. But in order to get more sales and profit, MUJI still has some space to improve in promotion. For SIMAMURA, although the global economy today is slumping, the purchasing behavior of consumers has changed from low-price oriented to quality oriented. So if low price clothes provider-SIMAMURA can improve its quality control, high-profit and high-growth target will be achieved in the future.


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王文欣(2014)。製造零售業創新商業模式之研究 — 以無印良品為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2014.11164
