  • 學位論文


Business model innovation:IKEA Reverse Positioning

指導教授 : 耿慶瑞


大前研一於2006 年提出「M型社會」,指的是由大部分中下階層加上少數富人所組成的社會。近幾年來全球歷經金融風暴,貧富差距擴大的趨勢非常明顯。隨著所得差距的擴大,中產階級社會全面崩潰,中上階層人數越來越少,而其中占最多數的中下階層其消費模式已漸漸的在改變,影響所及不只是個人的生活方式改變,也迫使企業必須改變以往不斷提昇產品功能與售價的策略,更引發新的商業模式創新。在一陣高品質、低價位的潮流下,企業應如何創新產品才能滿足M型社會中市場最大客層也就是中下階層消費者,是一個非常重要的議題。 本研究以各產業為例,探討各家公司如何利用逆向定位產品生命週期的商業模式創新來滿足消費者的需求及期望。包括:(食)台灣35元的五星級蛋糕-85度C,(衣)日本平價流行服飾品牌-UNIQLO,(住)瑞典的自助式傢俱服務商-IKEA,(行)美國以廉價航空公司而聞名的- Southwest Airlines,以及(育、樂)在台灣以夠用就好的破壞性創新開創了筆電新藍海的Eee PC等等。 本研究將國、內外各學者的創新方法有系統的整理與分析,配合個案公司「IKEA」進行專家訪談及消費者訪談,深入的探討及分析個案公司「IKEA」的經營策略與成功的商業模式,藉以找出M型社會中的中下階層消費者滿意的創新模式。 本研究的結論是,逆向定位產品生命週期的商業模式創新最後的成功關鍵並非只取決於價格上之優勢,而是如何找出消費者真正的需求,創造出有價值的低價。


In the M-type society, under the trend of high-quality and low-cost, the companies have to innovative new products to satisfy the demands of the M-type society. The largest customer segment in the market is the lowerincome consumers, which is a very important issue. In this research, using different industries as examples of how each company uses reverse positioning of the product life cycle model to innovation and meet the consumer needs and expectations. Companies such as: 85 degrees C, UNIQLO, Southwest Airlines, Eee PC and so on. In this research, we will integrate the innovation methods of home and overseas scholars, cooperating with case company「IKEA」experts. Interviews, in-depth discussion and analysis of IKEA’s business strategy and success are critical factors to identify within the M-type society, whether the middle and lower classes consumer is satisfied with the innovation model. The research concluded that, reverse positioning of the product life cycle of business model innovation is the key to success, not depending on the advantage of the price, but how to find what the customers really needs, which is creating a valuable low-cost and differentiation.


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