  • 學位論文


A case study of Learning Management System adoption for Vocational Education

指導教授 : 黃雅萍


本研究旨在探討某技職院校導入數位學習平台的過程,本研究透過文獻回顧,瞭解導入數位學習平台的歷程階段及每個階段中須考量的環節因素,並綜整出各階段應執行的任務項目,檢視該校導入的過程中,其間曾遭遇的問題及所因應的措施為何?本文從行政支援的角度,探討台北縣某所技術學院(以下皆稱之為個案學校)數位學習平台導入歷程。研究方法採文獻分析、訪談與問卷調查法,訪談對象為個案學校之行政主管、行政承辦與使用教師共九位,問卷調查對象則為全體專任教師,共發放250份問卷,回收174份,有效問卷137份,回收率為69.6%。 在質性訪談的資料分析與問卷調查回收結果後,本研究依據文獻探討所歸納彙整的五個導入階段:政策與法令階段、分析與規劃階段、準備與建置階段、實施與營運階段、及成效與評估階段,分別從組織與決策、管理團隊、資訊環境與科技、課程教材製作、及學習服務等五個因素,去探討這些因素在五個階段中的執行狀況與歷程。 最後依其研究結果,對個案學校提出五點建議。1.校方政策的鞭策與落實,制定一套完善的組織章程、實施計畫、方案與時程;2.系統架構評估及功能面測試,須由行政和教學單位反覆交叉驗證;3.培訓管理團隊,重視教師的教學成長,建立教師教學領導團隊;4.協助教材製作,校內技術團隊提供相關軟體及基本操作的教育訓練;5.多元化且完善的學習服務,破除對科技應用的迷思與疑慮。對於未來研究之建議:1.擴大訪談對象,著重瞭解教師不使用以及個人動機與心理層面的原因;2.延伸研究對象,建議未來的研究對象範圍可以擴大涵蓋各級不同的大專院校,以瞭解台灣大專院校導入數位學習平台的現況與導入過程;3.增加研究工具-觀察法,更深入瞭解教師應用數位學習平台於教學上的方式、流程、與教學活動;4.著重教師教學,今後研究可著重在教師的教學情境及學生的學習成效上。企盼研究結果可作為日後學校未來發展、改善建議與協助之參考。


The purpose of this research intends to explore the process of adopting the e-learning platform at certain technology school. This research underwent documentation review to understand the courses of the progress as well as segmented key factors evaluated during each phase for adopting the e-learning platform. In addition, this research comprehensively compiled the items for the executable missions at each phase, reviewed the problems encountered and its counteracting measures during the adoption process at that school. This thesis approached from the administrative support perspective, to explore a certain technology academy at Taipei County (abbr. subject school) in regards to the process of adopting its e-learning platform. Research methodologies were documentation analysis, interview and survey query. Subjects of the interviews were the administrative executives, administrative project groups and teachers in this subject school, a total of nine persons. Subjects for survey query were all the full-time teachers. There were 250 survey sheets disseminated with 174 returned. The effective survey totaled at 137 with 69.6% return ratio. After collections of qualitative interviews and findings from the surveys, this research summarized them into five adoptive phases after exploring the documentation: Policy and laws phase, analysis and planning phase, preparation and establishment phase, implementation and operation phase and performance and assessment phase. And this research intends to explore the execution status and the process journeys for these five phases from the identified five factors: Organization and policy, management team, information environment and technology, courses and teach materials, learning and services. Lastly, based upon the research findings, this thesis will propose five recommendations. 1. The policy drive and implementation from the school will result with prescription of set of consummate organization charters, implementation planning, projects and timetables. 2. System architecture assessment and functional tests must be cross referenced and verified by both the administration and teaching organization. 3. Cultivate and train the management team with emphasis placed on teaching growth for the teacher. Establish teaching leadership team for teachers. 4. Assist the teaching material productions. Technology team in the campus will provide relevant software and basic operation and education training. 5. With diversified and comprehensive learning service, it expects to rid off the myths and doubts towards technological applications. As for the recommendations for future research, it should include: 1. Expand the scope for the interviewee subjects. Place emphasis in understanding the personal motives and psychological reasons from the teachers who do not want to be a part of this. 2. Extend the scope of research subjects. Our recommendation is that in the future, the scope of research subject should encompass all levels of colleges and universities. This approach is necessary to understand the current status and adoption process for e-learning platform in Taiwan’s universities and colleges. 3. Increase and enhance research tools, observation methodologies. The preferred approach would be an in-depth understanding for the teaching methodologies, flow controls and teaching activities for teachers in applying the e-learning platform. 4.Focused on teacher’s teaching style way, in the future this study can be focused on teacher’s teaching environment and studies effect of students.This thesis expects that these research findings would be adopted as references for school’s future development, enhancement recommendation as well as assistance in someway.




