  • 學位論文

由人文與永續環境探索都市居民生活型態的變遷 以淡水區居民為例

Explore Lifestyle Changes of Urban Residents through Humanities and Environmental Sustainability

指導教授 : 陳國華


環境和人類的生活及文明息息相關,長期與環境的互動依存之中,許多的思想等都直接或間接地與環境有所影響。然而隨著不斷地的工業化與都會化,人與環境的關係日漸疏離,餐桌上取代對話的智慧型手機、朋友間互相比較的社群媒體、如雨後春筍冒出的線上遊戲。都市居民漸漸失去與自然連結的本能。台灣都市居民是否也可以借鑑國外一些值得參考的例子,實踐在生活中,來改善居民對環境的態度。 本文以未來學研究角度之情境分析的方式切入,並透過省思人與自然環境的文獻,找出都會區居民生活型態的變遷原因,一為對科技產品的依賴,二為在競爭社會下生活的改變,即使都市居民對於自然保持著正向且重視的看法,礙於現實環境、很多人選擇漸漸疏離了自然。最後本研究描繪未來的社會情節,進一步思考人與環境的互動模式,及可能存在的社會樣態與影響。


The World Future Society also ranks nature-deficit disorder as number fifth major global developments. It is essential to for citizens who live in urban area to get in touch with nature. Alienation from nature can damages children, families and communities. Many research indicate direct exposure to nature is crucial for not only physical development, but also for emotional, and spiritual. The aim of this research is about exploring the gradually loosen connection between nature and Urban citizens in Taiwan. It is common to see people in cities are highly depend on the blooming high-tech gadgets. Students cannot tell where their foods come from, but they are familiar with the characters from Pokémon Go. In order to find out the lifestyle changes in urban Taiwanese cities, this research conducted with focus Group interview, Semi-structured interview and Scenario Analysis. This results for this research is that people are more likely to engage themselves in indoor activities when they live their lives base on a highly competitive society. Many of the interviewers stated that they would like to spend more time in nature just they need to balance between work and other management of time.


Future Environment Sustainability Lifestyles


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