  • 學位論文


A Philosophical Interpretation of the Zhongyong──A Discussion Focus on Contemporary Neo-Confucianism and Western Sinology

指導教授 : 袁保新


本文研究目的,主要以當代儒學及西方漢學對《中庸》詮釋的觀點,進行學者間詮釋立場的分析,並嘗試在反省與評議中,尋獲較適切於《中庸》思想的詮釋系統,復奠基於前人研究成果之上,力圖重詮《中庸》義理,為之建構出一概念連貫、邏輯一致、與能回應當代儒學議題的現代詮釋。   本文研究內容,茲分三個環節進行論述。   首先,本文以當代儒學為代表的唐君毅、牟宗三、勞思光先生對《中庸》的詮釋進行分析。而分析策略,是梳理他們各自對孔孟思想的判定,再銜接至其對《中庸》思想的觀點。復於研析三位先生的詮釋系統後,進行理論之反省,以求獲得孔孟至《中庸》思想中「天人關係」的合宜解讀。   其次,本文以西方漢學為代表的杜維明、安樂哲(Roger T.Ames)先生對《中庸》的詮釋進行分析。在分析的過程,吾人可見兩位學者的理路,其實部分承繼當代儒學學者的觀點,延伸至有關儒家思想中「社會性」及「宗教性」的討論。接著,同樣本文亦會在分析完兩位學者的見解過後,反省其《中庸》詮釋的問題為何,希冀求得儒家「人性論」適切之義理定位。   最後,吾人將從當代儒學及西方漢學對《中庸》的詮釋,進行重大概念間的「異」、「同」對比,欲以逼顯《中庸》思想可進一步發展的途徑。並且,藉由學者間對儒家「天命」與「性」、「誠」等核心概念的解讀,重新詮定《中庸》思想的深刻內涵。


《中庸》 天命 唐君毅 牟宗三 勞思光 杜維明 安樂哲


The main goal of this thesis is to analyze the interpretations of the Zhongyong by scholars of contemporary Confucianism and Western Sinology and to find, through reflection and discussion, a system of interpretation that is more fitting for the ideology of the Zhongyong. Secondly, by capitalizing on the research findings of other scholars, this thesis seeks to reinterpret the principles of Zhongyong in order to construct a modern interpretation which is coherent, logical, and can respond to issues confronting contemporary Confucianism. The discussions in the thesis are structured into three parts. First, the thesis analyzes the interpretations of the Zhongyong by Chun-Yi Tang(唐君毅), Tsung-San Mou(牟宗三), and Si-Guang Lao(勞思光), representatives of contemporary Confucianism. The strategy of analysis is to comb through these scholars’ appraisal of the thoughts of Confucius and Mencius and then link that appraisal to their viewpoints about the Zhongyong. After analyzing the systems of interpretation of these three scholars, we try to arrive at, through theoretical reflection, an appropriate reading of the concept of “Heaven and Human Relationship” from Confucius and Mencius down to the Zhongyong. Secondly, the thesis analyzes the interpretations of the Zhongyongby Wei-Ming Tu(杜維明) and Roger T.Ames(安樂哲), representatives of Western Sinology. From the analysis, we can see that the approaches of these two scholars actually inherit partially the viewpoints of contemporary Confucian scholars and then extend to the discussion of the "sociality" and "religiousness" in Confucianism. Similarly, after analyzing these two scholars’ viewpoints, we will reflect on the problems in their interpretations of the Zhongyong in the hope of obtaining a proper intellectual orientation for the “the Confucian theory of human nature” of Confucianism. Lastly, we compare the interpretations of the key concepts in the Zhongyong by scholars of contemporary Confucianism and Western Sinology to shed light on the paths for advancing the ideology of the Zhongyong. Furthermore, we hope to bring out, through reinterpretation, the profound meaning in the Zhongyong through a reading of these scholars’ interpretations of such core concepts as “Mandate of Heaven”, “Xing”, and “Cheng” in Confucianism.


