  • 學位論文


A Study on the Construction and Challenge of Spain's National Image in Mexico

指導教授 : 黃富娟


西班牙與拉丁美洲間因特殊的歷史與文化牽繫,拉丁美洲地區自古以來一直是西班牙外交政策中除了歐盟之外,另一重要利益地區及外交戰略熱點所在。拉美諸國中又尤以墨西哥因鄰近北方強權的地緣戰略位置、為世界講西語人口具規模之國家,並且因過往殖民歷史的淵源,為西班牙在美洲大陸第一個設置新西班牙總督區(El Virreinato de Nueva España)的所在,這使墨西哥之於西班牙而言別具特殊歷史及文化代表意涵。 近年,西班牙更是在國際風靡文化外交的論述下,積極發展文化軟實力及國家品牌形象,以期藉正面良好之國家形象團結一眾西語系國家,並提升自身在國際事務上之參與度與影響力。墨西哥因上述地緣戰略凸顯的政治現實、歷史與文化淵源代表的象徵內涵等因素,成為西班牙文化外交戰略的重點國家,具有政策實行的優先性及重要性。 然而,西國與墨國間雖因歷史及文化淵源拉近了兩國間的文化距離,卻也因殖民歷史使墨西哥對於西班牙的觀感經常處於起伏不定的變換中。現任墨西哥總統AMLO更是於2019年3月時公開要求西班牙為百年前征服歷史向墨西哥原住民道歉,並獲墨西哥國內民調大半民意支持,瞬時激起各界譁然及對雙邊關係的定義與歷史詮釋歧異的衝突,也衝擊長久以來西班牙致力於在墨西哥建立的正面國家形象。 西墨兩國間友好面貌下深層的矛盾與對立因AMLO的道歉要求昭然若揭,使原本和睦平順的關係轉瞬緊繃,並促成本論文之研究題旨,探討目前西班牙在墨西哥之國家形象及其欲建構之目標為何?為何墨國總統會有此不利兩國關係發展之舉動,其立意動機及其生成背景因素為何?為何墨西哥社會民調近半數比率支持此一倡議,其思維及概念之癥結點為何?最終,本論文研究目的在藉由AMLO要求道歉事件,反看雙邊關係的歷史淵源和文化認同上的矛盾,並探討其如何影響西班牙對墨西哥在外交關係上強調建立正面國家形象之文化外交的目標。 研究發現顯示,由於AMLO道歉要求使墨西哥內部對於國族認同的對立與衝突激化,導致其對西班牙在墨國社會發展進程中背負殖民歷史原罪的負面感受逐漸攀升,且同時形成不利雙方關係穩定發展的多重阻力因素。加之,西班牙官方及社會因對所謂「歷史」的概念認知及對征服行動的解讀使之更加堅定拒絕道歉的立場,讓兩國始終未能聚焦於同一焦點上進行辯駁,彼此陷入各執一詞的焦灼境況。因此,以上兩者相加乘的效應無一不影響著雙邊文化外交開展前置階段所需建構的文化理解,趨使墨西哥作為西班牙文化外交政策受眾國的集體社會心理的改變,與西國亟欲藉與墨國之文化關係營造彼此互為連帶共同體之文化大國形象的目標相背離。簡言之,以上種種雖未直接影響兩國官方的正式外交關係,但其關係變數仍不利於長久以來西班牙在墨西哥企圖推動的文化外交目的及其國家形象建構。


Due to the special historical and cultural ties between Spain and Latin America, the Latin America region has always been, in addition to the European Union, another important area of interest and diplomatic focus in Spain’s foreign policy. Especially among the Latin America countries, Mexico is the country that has special significance for Spain because of its geopolitical location that is close to the U.S., having large Spanish-speaking population in the world, and its past colonial history that made the social and cultural relations between both countries be further strengthened. In this context, Spain has paid more attention than before to its national image and influence in Mexico by dedication to the development of countries soft power. Nevertheless, the current President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, AMLO, has sent a letter in 2019 to Spain's King Felipe VI and Pope Francis urging them to apologize for human rights abuses committed during the conquest of the region 500 years ago. The request of AMLO was supported by the majority of public opinions in Mexico and had caused tensions in the official and social relations between both countries. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate the development of relations between Spain and Mexico, in particular, focus on the AMLO's demands apology from Spain as case study to understand on one hand the current national image of Spain in Mexico; on the other hand, to clarify why AMLO would have such a request that is detrimental to the development of relations between the two countries. The thesis reviewed the common historical background between both countries. Furthermore, the study analyzes the official and social opinion about AMLO's demand for Spain's apology, in order to clarify the differences in the historical interpretation and polemical perception between two sides of Atlantic. In the end, the result of the thesis discovered that AMLO's apology request has stimulated the opposition and conflicts of Mexico's internal national identity problem, and increased the negative perception of Spain's historical sin in Mexico society. Although it is nearly less possible to affect the formal diplomatic relation between two countries, on the basic of this kind of unsteady relationship is still not advantageous and beneficial to the cultural diplomacy and national image objectives that Spain is attempting to promote in Mexico in long term.


(一)專 書
李 智,《文化外交:一種傳播學的解讀》,北京:北京大學出版社,2005年。
