  • 學位論文


The Continuity and Change of Singapore`s Foreign Policy of the Lee Hsien Loong Administration: An Analysis of Small State`s Foreign Policy( 2004- 2015)

指導教授 : 林若雩


新加坡自1965年獨立建國以來,在首任總理李光耀採取務實的外交政策下,在政治安全與經濟發展上,都取得了高度成就,尤其新加坡以「小國」(small state)之姿獲得此發展成果更屬不易,而成為小國外交案例中成功的典範之一。   2004年8月,前總理李光耀之子李顯龍接替吳作棟,成為第三任新加坡總理。新加坡獨立四十多年來,歷任三位總理,許多學者將研究放在李光耀時期的作為,探討新加坡如何應對冷戰及全球化等各國際的變化。而本文擬以小國外交之理論為基礎,使用「國際-區域-國家-決策者」四層次的分析架構,聚焦於後李光耀時期,尤其是李顯龍時期新加坡外交之持續與變遷,探討新加坡外交政策的本質及其具體之實踐。 研究結果發現新加坡外交政策的本質主要係基於國家生存與確保國家安全的努力並持續作為新加坡外交指導方針,而在李顯龍政府面對高速變動的新世紀各項挑戰,新加坡的外交政策也更為靈活多變。此外,冷戰後更為開放而完善的國際建制,為原本局限於規模的小國提供了推動政治經濟發展的外部環境,小國因而獲得了超越其規模的作為和影響力的可能性,同時也突顯國家經濟政策之重要性實為決定小國成敗之主要因素之一。


Under the pragmatic leadership of the first prime minister, Lee Kuan Yew, the well- known small state, Singapore, made great achievements both in the political security and economic development. Lee Hsien Loong, son of Lee Kuan Yew, inaugurated as Singapore`s third prime minister after the step down of the previous prime minister Goh Chok Tong in August 2004 and brought Singapore into a new era. The purpose of this thesis was to identify the essence, the continuity and change of Singapore`s foreign policy during Lee Hsien Loong administration ( 2004- 2015) . In order to analyze how Singapore`s foreign policy performed in the political reality, this study started from the perspective of small state theories and adopted the Four-Level Framework composed of international level, regional level,state level, and decision- maker level to analysis possible factors in the making of Singapore`s foreign policy in the new century of the post- Lee Kuan Yew era.


Singapore small state foreign policy Lee Hsien Loong


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