  • 學位論文


The Marketing Strategy Analysis of South Korea on the Outbound Tourism of Mainland China

指導教授 : 張五岳 范世平


全球經濟一體化的進程中,作為國際間經濟及文化交流重要領域的旅遊產業也得到有力的推動。旅遊資源與環境決定旅遊產業集體競爭力的主要特徵,此一國家重要產業,政府須具有強化核心功能,同時應當是市場競爭催化劑的角色,加上產業結構的調整,政府的角色也跟著調整,轉向積極的鼓勵與推動產業,以達到較高的競爭水準。 隨著中國大陸政府對出境旅遊政策的不斷放寬,世界旅遊組織(WTO)更是預測2020年中國大陸出境旅遊人口總數將達到一億人,面對此龐大的旅遊市場,南韓政府主導作用的發揮經由市場機制來進行,扮演旅遊產業的國家行銷者角色。本文研究在概念上,應用了波特(Michael Porter)產業戰略理論、卡特勒(Philip Kotler)國家行銷理論對旅遊產業的作用及影響,探討南韓政府如何在中國大陸市場提升國家的旅遊競爭力,於旅遊產品內容、國家政策、推廣方式等層面,推進整體形象並營造良好的旅遊環境,以期達到國家宣傳的具體成效。 面對永續發展的旅遊產業,以及未來開放兩岸直航的吸釋效應,南韓政府仍具有相當大的發展空間。中國大陸與南韓在文化上融合卻又存在矛盾,大眾文化的熱潮散去,物價指數攀升間接影響的旅遊品質,簽證的繁瑣及MICE產業的發展困境都為行銷上之阻礙,旅遊產業發展背後的思維正可讓台灣未來在行銷上作一參考。


In whole world economic integration advancement, as an important domain of international economic and culture communication, tourism market also obtains the powerful impetus. The tourism resources and the environment decision tourism market collective competition strength main characteristic, this national important industry, the government must have the strengthened core function, simultaneously must be the market competition catalyst role. Adds on the industrial structure the adjustment, government's role also with the adjustment, changes the positive encouragement and the impetus industry, achieves the higher competition standard. To leaves country the tourism policy along with mainland China government unceasingly to relax, the World Tourism Organization (WTO) is forecast in 2020 the out-bound population of mainland China will achieve hundred million, facing this huge traveling market, the South Korean government leading role display will carry on by way of the market mechanism, acting traveling industry national marketing role. This article studies in the concept, has applied Michael Porter industrial strategy theory and Philip Kotler the marketing of nations theory to the tourism market function and the influence, how discusses the South Korean government in the mainland China market promotion country tourism competitive ability, to tourism stratification plane and so on product content, national policy, promoted way, the advancement overall image and builds the good tourism environment, to the time achieves the national propaganda the concrete result. Facing continues forever the development the tourism market, as well as the future will open both banks to fly straight attracts releases the effect, the South Korean government still has the quite big development space. Mainland China and South Korea fuse in the culture actually has the contradiction, the mass culture upsurge diverges, the price index will climb the indirect influence tourism quality, the visa is tedious and the MICE industry development difficult position all for the marketing in the hindrance. Behind the tourism market development thought might let Taiwan future make a reference in the marketing.


范世平,「從國家行銷角度分析中國大陸入境旅遊產業之競爭優勢」,遠景基金會(台北:財團法人兩岸交流遠景基金會),第5卷第2 期(2004年4月),頁72。


