  • 學位論文


The New Organic Human Mobility Law from Republic of Ecuador and the influx incidence of people with chinese nationality during the year 2017

指導教授 : 白方濟


在過去十年中,中華人民共和國已成為拉丁美洲經濟的決定性角色,厄瓜多、玻利維亞和巴西等國是其投資的主要對象。   2017年,在厄瓜多的中國公民人數大幅增加,其中許多人已將這個國家作為其居留地。   在此背景下,我提出了一個激發本研究的問題:   厄瓜多政府通過《新人類流動組織法》是否有利於中華人民共和國公民?   回答這個問題,將使我們了解中國如何成為世界經濟第二大國以及她在拉丁美洲的利益,而本研究將以厄瓜多的案例為主要討論對象。   本論文將利用中國移民流量的統計來分析厄瓜多《新人類流動組織法》及其與在厄瓜多中國籍人民的增加之關聯。


The People's Republic of China during the last decade has become a decisive actor in the economies of Latin America, countries like Republic of Ecuador, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and Federative Republic of Brazil are the main recipients of its capital. The Republic of Ecuador has experienced an important increase of citizens from People's Republic of China during the last year, many of which have made this country their place of residence. With this background we considered it important to ask a question that motivates the object of this research: Does the Government of the Republic of Ecuador through the New Organic Human Mobility Law benefits citizens from People's Republic of China? To answer this question, the present research will allow to know as the People's Republic of China became in the second economic power in the world and what are their interest in Latin America, in this section will be put emphasis in the case of the Republic of Ecuador It will be analyzed the New Organic Law of Human Mobility from Republic of Ecuador and its link with the increase of citizens from People's Republic of China, this information will be accompanied by a statistical analysis of the migratory flows from this Asian Nation.


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