  • 學位論文


On the Narrative Strategy Of Qiong Yao in the 1960s

指導教授 : 呂正惠
共同指導教授 : 蘇敏逸(Man-Yi Su)


瓊瑤,60年代自《窗外》出版後,就一舉成名。從此便步上創作之路,掀起言情小說興盛的黃金時期,在跨越70、80、90年代直到新世紀,她的作品仍能掀起一股“瓊瑤熱”,獲得許多讀者的喜愛,她開創了以女性視角的敘述模式,成功的將瓊瑤式的愛情敘述推向了一個經典的位置。 「愛情」自古以來都是任何一種文學體裁永恆的話題,他不僅能夠反映社會也關係著人們生活內容。愛情的描述正是人生情境的描繪,而小說正是透過情愛種種故事,將人生的全面現象描述出來。 對於愛情,每個人都曾懷有美好的理想,瓊瑤也是。與前人相比,瓊瑤儘管寫的小說內容是愛情,但融入了許多新的時代內容。她寫形形色色的愛情,有不同形態、不同時代,也有不同階層、不同年齡的愛情故事,以至於有人將瓊瑤小說稱為「愛情的百科全書」。瓊瑤擅長描寫愛情故事,唯有從瓊瑤筆下的愛情故事中方能得見其所要傳達之意旨。 瓊瑤60年代作品一直是最受讀者注目及喜愛,同時也是最爭議的作品,卻也是瓊瑤小說的精華所在。「瓊瑤」兩個字,也成為60、70年代的女性世代形容愛情的一種詞彙,一種對愛情的想像圖像。 本論文就以瓊瑤60年代小說為研究對象,探討瓊瑤60年代小說敘述策略及其寫作特色。 本文共分七章: 第一章「緒論」,先探討研究動機與目的,研究範圍與內容,研究文獻回顧,最後說明整個研究架構與步驟。 第二章細說瓊瑤:先概述瓊瑤的生平、著作、愛情觀。以作為全篇論文研究之基礎與參考。 第三章 以《窗外》小說文本來說明違反禁忌的愛情敘述策略,先分析情節架構,再深入分析各主要人物形象、心理,以及師生戀情引發的社會意識及社會影響。 第四章以《六個夢》文本為探討如夢如幻情歸何處的敘述策略,首先分析小說故事情節,再從情節內容分析主要人物在愛情與傳統禮教間之衝突,最後探究瓊瑤早期作品灰色、悲觀的悲劇結局設計。 第五章以《幾度夕陽紅》《煙雨濛濛》文本探究瓊瑤敘述兩代的愛情故事策略,先分析兩代上下錯縱複雜的關係、婚姻命運及兩部小說敘述策略的異同。 第六章以《菟絲花》《庭院深深》文本探究瓊瑤懸疑式愛情敘述策略,再探究以衝突的設計為核心的敘述模式,接著探究因人物性格所造成的結局差異。 第七章為結論,肯定瓊瑤小說的敘述特色,具有文學藝術價值,並說明未來可以繼續研究的方向。


瓊瑤 小說 敘述策略 愛情


Since the publication of Outside the Window (Chuang Wai) in the 1960s, Qiong Yao has become a famous writer in Taiwan. Her works initiate the golden age of romance fiction and are still adored by many readers till today. Qiong tends to write from the female perspective, and this unique narrative strategy has successfully made her works classic. Over centuries, “love” has been the motif of all kinds of genres, which reflects the social situation and the ways of living. The portraits of love in the fiction are just like the pictures of the floating world, depicting the myriad phenomenon of ordinary people’s lives. Besides the love story, Qiong Yao also adds new elements into her fiction. The “love” she portrays happens not only in different forms and times but also between different hierarchies and ages. Her fiction is thus called the “Encyclopedia of Love.” Qiong’s works in the 60s remain the most popular and controversial amongst the readers, which can thus represent the essence of her romance fiction. For Taiwanese women in the 70s and 80s, “Qiong Yao” has become a distinctive term and an imaginary image of love. Only by analyzing Qiong’s romance fiction can we capture the essence of her works. This thesis examines Qiong’s fiction in the 1960s to discuss her narrative strategies. Chapter One elaborates the research motives, approaches, and the literature review. Chapter Two is an overview of Qiong’s biography, major works, and her perspective of love. Chapter Three uses Outside the Window (Chuang Wai) as an example to discuss Qiong’s taboo-defying narrative strategy by analyzing the main characters’ mental lives and the social consciousness and impacts influenced by the teacher-student love affair. Chapter Four discusses the narrative strategy of Six Dreams (Liu Ge Meng), analyzing the conflict between love and the conservative society and the controversy over the pessimism in Qiong’s early writings. Chapter Five compares the narrative strategies in Many Enchanting Nights (Ji Du Xi Yang Hong) and Romance in the Rain (Yan Yu Meng Meng), analyzing the intricate relationship and fate between the two generations. Chapter Six then focuses on the suspense narrative strategy of The Dodder Flower (Tu Si Hua) and You Don’t Tell Him (Ting Yuan Shen Shen), investigating the conflict-centered narration and the two different endings resulted from the protagonists’ different nature. Chapter Seven will be the conclusion.


Qiong Yao romance fiction narrative strategy


陳平原著:《中國小說敘事模式的轉變》台北:久大文化股份有限公司,1990 年05 月。
葉石濤著:《台灣新文學史綱》高雄:文學界雜誌社,1991 年09 月。
邱貴芬:〈從戰後初期女作家的創作談台灣文學史的敘述〉,《中外文學》,2000 年07 月第29 卷第2 期。
范銘如:〈台灣新故鄉——五十年代女性小說〉,《中外文學》,1999 年09月第28 卷第4 期。


