  • 學位論文


A Study on the TV Play Adapted from Qiong Yao's Novels

指導教授 : 崔成宗


濃郁而打動人心的情感是小說與戲劇中不可或缺的成分,也是吸引讀者與觀眾的主要因素,而能將此情感詮釋得淋漓盡致的首推瓊瑤這位公認的言情小說代表作家。她的文筆流暢,兼具引人入勝及戲劇性衝突的特性,加上抒情、詩意氣氛的安排,往往緊緊抓住社會大眾的目光。從第一本小說《窗外》造成轟動,到六○、七○年代作品陸續改編為熱門電影,八○年代開始多部作品被改編為電視劇,造成收視熱潮,使「言情」成為電視劇裡相當重要的主題之一。無論是1986年令人驚豔的《幾度夕陽紅》或是1998年引領風潮的電視劇《還珠格格》,儘管時空轉換,傳播的形態也出現巨大轉變,但瓊瑤的作品從小說到電視劇,主題架構、人物形象、藝術技巧都有其獨特風格,她的創作持續影響不同世代,魅力始終不減。 筆者蒐羅前人研究瓊瑤小說及影視作品的相關論述,參考瓊瑤的傳記與創作理念,建構論文架構,撰寫出本論文第一章〈緒論〉。為了了解他們彼此的差異為何,把握住影響改編的本質因素,以保證影視劇在改編過程中能夠揚己之長、避己之短,對文學原著進行合理而游刃有餘的改編。於是筆者分析小說與電視劇之間主題、架構、人物、情節的變異情況,撰寫第二章〈改編成電視劇主題與架構的變與不變〉、第三章〈改編成電視劇人物與情節的變與不變〉。從書面文字到影像呈現,針對電視劇的詮釋技巧,將小說與電視劇的敘述手法差異作一比較討論。因而分析表演技巧、角色對比差異及運用古典詩詞營造出的意境,撰寫第四章〈電視劇詮釋小說的藝術技巧分析〉。條列本論文各章要旨,總結瓊瑤小說改編成電視劇的新發現:理想人格與新時代女性價值的肯定,並針對未來研究小說改編為電視劇之相關討論,提出實用之建議,因而撰寫第五章〈結論〉。 總括而論,小說除了表現及反映社會現象與意涵之外,在文學領域中,仍有值得正視、咀嚼和回味的藝術性存在。瓊瑤的作品文筆優美流暢,保留古典文學的抒情傳統,電視劇始終引領風潮,話題性十足,因此在文學界與學術界,都值得重新被認識與肯定。


Novels and plays must be touching emotion which is to attract readers and viewers of the main factors. Romantic novels representative writers Qiong Yao is the most able to interpret this emotion most vividly. She is writing fluent, fascinating and dramatic conflicts. She grasp the public's attention with the lyrical, poetic firmly. Qiong Yao who caused a sensation from the first novel Chuang Wai is good at writing feelings. Qiong Yao’s novels gradually adapted as a popular films in the 60s and 70s, and her many works was adapted for the TV series and resulting in ratings boom in 80s. The themes, structures, roles and artistry of Qiong Yao 's novels and dramas are very unique. Qiong Yao affects different generations continuously, and the charm has not diminished. The first chapter collects the predecessors studies about Qiong Yao novels, film, television works and Qiong Yao 's biography and creations, and construct the paper structure. In order to understand where the novels and TV series’ differences are, the second and third chapter analyzes the theme, structure, character, plot variation between the novels and TV series. The fourth chapter analyze the performance skills, role differences and the use of classical poetry to create the mood. At last, the fifth chapter sum up the new findings of Qiong Yao 's Novel Adapted into TV, and put forward practical recommendations for the discussion of the future research novels adapted to TV series. Consequently, Qiong Yao's writing is graceful and smooth, and preserves the lyric tradition of classical literature. At the same time, Qiong Yao's TV series has always led the trend, so Qiong Yao is worth re-recognition and affirmation in the literary and academia world.


Qiong Yao Qiong Yao 's Novel TV series Novel Drama


