  • 學位論文


Narrative Stratgy Of Qiong Yao's Novels --Take 1970s Novels As Example

指導教授 : ±Z¦¨©v


瓊瑤小說中的人物對愛情都相當珍惜,強調的是永恆不變的愛。對於瓊瑤小說能夠不斷地被電影、電視翻拍,瓊瑤使用了怎樣的文學策略來敘述內容?筆者細讀瓊瑤七○年代的所有小說,然後廣泛閱讀相關研究成果與評論文章,嘗試較為深刻的詮釋瓊瑤此一時期的小說。提出問題意識,界定研究範圍,從事相關文獻的評述,說明研究方法,於是撰寫第一章〈緒論〉。 瞭解瓊瑤的小說之前,必須瞭解這位作家的家庭背景、教養內涵、生平經歷、 感情生活、人格特質、創作思想以及各種機遇有密切關係,因此撰寫第二章〈瓊瑤評傳〉。 瓊瑤使用了怎樣的文學策略來敘述小說,應該探討。故將敘述策略分為三部分。其一、人物,其二、細節,其三、主題。瓊瑤小說的人物、細節、主題有那些?故撰寫本書第三章<瓊瑤小說的敘述特色>以從事相關的探討。瓊瑤是如何安排結構來說故事的?瓊瑤用了怎樣的修辭技巧?讓讀者回味再三。因此撰寫本書第四章〈瓊瑤小說的結構與修辭〉。歸納全書各章,綜合研究心得,鉤勒相關課題的研究展望,於是撰寫本書第五章〈結論〉。


瓊瑤 瓊瑤小說 敘述策略 愛情


This thesis aims to study Qiong Yao's novels in the 1970s. Qiong Yao is a legendary novelist in Taiwan. The characters in her romances always cherish their love very much, emphasizing the value of everlasting love. Many of her novels have been adapted into films and TV series with great success. What are the literary strategies Ms. Qiong Yao uses to draw the readers into her stories? I read all her novels in the 1970s and widely probed into the research reports and review articles on her works in order to give more profound interpretations of Qiong Yao's novels in this period. Therefore, in the introduction chapter, I raise questions, define scope of the study, undertake literature review, and select research methods for this thesis. In chapter 2, it explores the effects of Qiong Yao's background on her works, such as family circumstances, education and upbringing, life experiences, love life, personality traits, creativity and opportunities to become a writer. In chapter 3, it concentrates on the analysis of the narrative strategies applied by Qiong Yao. Three elements - figures, plots and themes are discussed. In chapter 4, it analyzes how Qiong Yao arranges story structures and what rhetorical skills she uses to draw the reader to read her love romances again and again. In the last chapter, it concludes with a summary of the study’s findings and recommendation for future study on Qiong Yao’s poetry and song lyrics. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Professor Cui for his constant guidance and assistance during the writing of this thesis. He has devoted a considerable portion of his time to reading my manuscripts and providing valuable suggestions and incisive comments for further revisions. Without his efforts and time in revising and polishing my drafts, the completion of these five chapters would never have been possible.


Shotter ,Edward:¡mThe Making of the Modern Family¡nNew York:BasicBooks1975
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