  • 學位論文


A study on 2016 Taiwan Presidential Election and Cross-Strait Relations

指導教授 : 張五岳
共同指導教授 : 劉瀚宇


2008年台灣二次政黨輪替,由馬英九總統所領導的政府團隊,致力推動兩岸和解的制度化,希望建構一個互利共贏的兩岸新關係。馬英九的大陸政策,秉持在中華民國憲法架構下,維持台灣海峽「不統、不獨、不武」的現狀,並在「九二共識、一中各表」的基礎上,推動兩岸和平發展。在這樣政策實行下,兩岸不僅恢復了協商的進程,並且陸續簽暑了包括ECFA在內的多項協議,兩岸處於六十年來的最佳狀況。然而看似一帆風順的交流,卻因海峽兩岸服務貿易協定的簽屬問題引發抗爭,進而導致國民黨在九合一地方選舉與2016年台灣總統大選接連慘敗。2016年民進黨再度執政,有鑑於扁政府執政時期,兩岸未能達成共識而演變為對立狀態,即便當時民間交流熱絡,但官方對話機制仍然停擺,我邦交國也在中國壓力下逐年減少。蔡政府對於「九二共識」採模糊態度,強調推動構建臺灣經濟發展新模式-新南向政策,中共對此表示不滿意態度,並開始抑制民間交流、減少中國觀光客、中國學生來台數量,亦再度對我國外交施壓,對台灣產生經濟及外交上的衝擊。 目前兩岸欠缺政治互信基礎,因此現階段最重要的工作即是重新嘗試新的互動模式,妥善處理兩岸議題,以有助於兩岸和平穩定與互信基礎的建立及努力避免造成兩岸對立的目標,透過民間兩岸團體或學者進行溝通或交流,釋放彼此善意逐漸恢復官方對話正常化,並以互利雙贏的思考帶動臺灣經濟發展。


In 2008, Taiwan experienced the second time of party alternation. Under the President Ma’s regime, the government had tried to focus on institutionalizing the cross-strait relationship in order to construct a new mutual-beneficial relationship across the strait. President Ma Ying-jeou’s china policies always insist under the constitutional framework of the Republic of China, maintaining the cross-strait status quo of "no unification, no independence, and no use of force", and based on "1992 consensus & One China, Respective Interpretations" promoting peaceful and stable development across the Taiwan Strait. In this policy implementation, the cross-strait not only restored the process of consultation, but also signed a number of agreements, including ECFA. It was considered the best moment for the cross-Strait relations in 60 years. However, Everything seemed going successfully until a student protest, occurred in 2014 after the Ma’s regime announced that a cross-strait service trade agreement is going to be signed, and then led to the result of the “9 in 1 election” and the“ Taiwan presidential election” in 2016 did not went well for the Kuomintang (KMT). Democratic Progressive Party (DDP) took its power back again in 2016. In view of the reign of Chen Shui-bian government, Taiwan and China failed to reach a consensus and evolved into an antagonistic state. The official dialogue mechanism had been interrupted, even if the non-governmental exchange were active. The countries which had diplomatic relationship with Taiwan were also compelled by Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the number of countries were decreasing year by year. Tsai Ing-wen has adopted a "vague attitude" toward cross-strait relations, and emphasized to build a new model of economic development for Taiwan---"New Southbound Policy". But the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) expressed dissatisfaction about it ,so began to curb non-governmental exchanges, reduce the number of Chinese tourists and students who come to Taiwan and to pressure Taiwan's diplomatic allies into breaking off relations with the R.O.C. again, will have economic and diplomatic impacts on Taiwan. At present, the cross-strait lacks of political mutual trust. Therefore, the most important task at this stage is to retry a new interaction model, handle properly cross-strait issues so as to contribute to the establishment of cross-strait peace and stability and the foundation of mutual trust, and effort to avoid inciting cross-strait confrontation. Through communication or exchanges by non-governmental groups or scholars, to resume the dialogue on normalization with mutual goodwill gradually. Finally, the two sides will promote Taiwan's economic development with mutual benefit and win-win consideration.


1.「一個中國的原則與臺灣問題白皮書」,臺灣同胞百問解答(北京:華藝岀版社,2000 年 2月),頁 144。
27.顏建發,習近平對台政策的可能架構與內涵,《台灣國際研究季刊》第9卷第4期,頁 39-61。
