  • 學位論文


Citation Analysis of Library and Information Science: A Case Study of JASIST

指導教授 : 蔡明月


本研究將以美國著名的圖書資訊學期刊-JASIST作為研究案例,探討圖書資訊學與其他學科的關係,並藉由文獻老化研究觀察圖書資訊學領域與其他相關領域之間研究生命的時效性。研究對象為1980、1985、1990、1995、2000、2004等六個年度,所出版的JASIST文章後參考書目。主要採用Ulrich's Periodicals Directory及OCLC WorldCat等兩種書目資料庫,進行期刊及圖書的學科和主類分析。另外,以同時法來計算被引用文獻的引用年齡中數,進而觀察文獻的老化現象。 本研究結果歸納如下: 一、JASIST引用之文獻的現象分析: 1.JASIST不論是在出版文獻篇數、引用文獻數,或是單篇文章平均引用之文獻數皆呈現顯著的成長。 2.在引用文獻數及平均單篇引用文獻數方面,研究性文章與特殊主題文章皆呈現成長狀態。而簡訊性質文章則變動較為顯著。 3.JASIST在引用期刊文獻、圖書、電子資源及會議文獻的次數都有增長,其中又以電子資源與會議文獻的成長速度最快。 4.不論何種性質的文章,期刊文獻與圖書皆具有高度的參考價值。 二、JASIST引用期刊文獻之特性分析: 1.JASIST在引用期刊文獻時,以資訊相關研究成果為主要的參考對象。 2.被參考的期刊種數及期刊之出版國家數越來越多,範圍也越來越廣。 3.被引用期刊收錄多種語言的文獻,但英文仍是最常使用之語言。 4.JASIST廣泛地參考各學科之期刊,但仍優先參考圖書資訊學期刊。 5.被引用的期刊主題多分佈在圖書資訊學及電腦科學之中。 三、JASIST引用圖書之特性分析: 1.JASIST對圖書的引用非常分散,且圖書資訊學圖書的被引用次數皆為各研究年度之冠。 2.JASIST以引用科學圖書的次數最多,其次為圖書資訊學及社會科學。 3.資訊儲存與檢索系統為第一高被引用的圖書主題,且前30名的被引用圖書主題當中,約有一半的主題與圖書資訊學相關。 四、JASIST引用期刊文獻之老化現象分析: 1.JASIST多以引用出版年齡小於7歲的期刊文獻,且重視以資訊或電腦研究為出版主題的期刊文獻的新穎度。 2.在學科大類方面,科技期刊對JASIST的被引用壽命較短;對於哲學、心理學、宗教期刊的老化腳步則較緩慢。 3.在學科小類方面,數學及工程總論、土木工程期刊的被引用時效最短。而被引用心理學期刊文獻的累積速度最為遲緩。 根據上述研究結果,提出下列五點建議: 一、書目資料庫應以特定之分類法為主,並制訂一套標準化的主題敘詞表。 二、期刊出版者應制訂一套詳細的參考書目格式,且對稿件所附之參考書目審慎查證。 三、未來的引用文獻分析研究應與新興的網路計量學(Webometrics)相結合。 四、在從事文獻老化研究時,應與其他文獻老化研究方法並行。 五、對於資訊研究有興趣者,可藉由JASIST所出版的主題文章,作一完整的閱讀。


The purpose of this case study is the analysis of the relationship of library & information science of JASIST and other disciplines to research the obsolescence between JASIST and other disciplines. This study focuses on the citation data of JASIST with 1980, 1985, 1990, 1995, 2000, 2004, and makes these bibliographic databases that are Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory and OCLC WorldCat to analyze disciplines and subjects of journals and books. Besides, synchronous was used to measure the median citation age, then observed the obsolescence of literatures. The results of this study revealed: 1.The phenomenon analysis of JASIST’s citation: (1)The literatures, citations or average of every literature citation are cited by JASIST grow a lot. (2)In number of citation and average of every literature citation, research paper and special topic paper are growth. But brief has obviously variations. (3)Journals, books, electronic resources and conference literatures which cited by JASIST are developing, especially electronic resources and conference literatures. (4)No matter what article style, journal articles and books both are of high value to refer. 2.The characteristics of journals in JASIST’s citation: (1)When JASIST cite journal articles, information studies are the major objective. (2)There are more and more Journals are published and journals’ countries publish this kind of journals. However, their quantity and range are improved. (3)Citing journals have many kinds of language editions, but the English edition is most popular. (4)JASIST refers to extensive kinds of journals, but journals of library & information science still override others. (5)Most subjects, are cited by JASIST, are in library & information science and computer science. 3.The characteristics of books in JASIST’s citation: (1)JASIST cites books discretely, but the top of all categories is library &information science books every research year. (2)Science books are most cited by JASIST. The second reward is the library &information science and the social science books. (3)Information storage and search system is the most popular subject, which is cited by JASIST. 4.The obsolescence analysis of journals in JASIST’s citation: (1)JASIST likes the journals’ articles which are published below 7 years, and focus on the article from information or computer studies. (2)In disciplines, technology journals cited by JASIST just have the short citied period; philosophy, psychology and religion journals cited by JASIST are much long. (3)In sub-disciplines, math and engineering (general) & civil engineering journals cited by JASIST have the short citied period; psychology journals cited by JASIST are opposite. According to the results of this study, there are five suggestions in the followed list: 1.The bibliographic databases Comply with a particular classification, and establish a standardized subject list. 2.The journal publishers should be completely formulated a regulation of reference, and overhaul references by paper. 3.Citation Analysis could combine with Webometrics in the future. 4.Empoly many methods of obsolescence to proceed studies. 5.For readers and authors are interested in information studies, they can peruse articles in the complete themes of JASIST.


“Lisa: Library and Information Science Abstracts,” (29 Augest 2005).
Borgman, Christine L., “Books, Bytes, and Behavior: Rethinking Scholarly Communication for a Global Information Infrastructure,” Information Services and Use, 19:2(1999): 117-125.


林巧雯(2010)。以關鍵字、書目耦合、共被引探討圖書資訊學 研究主題之分布及變遷〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2010.10518
