  • 學位論文


A Study of the Induction Program for Elementary Beginning Teachers of Special Education

指導教授 : 高熏芳


本研究之目的旨在界定國小身心障礙類初任特教教師導入方案之內涵,藉由探討國內外相關文獻,歸納出初任特教教師導入方案之內涵並形成模糊德懷術研究問卷,經由專家小組5人修正後,針對國內特教領域的專家發出23份問卷,回收有效問卷20份,回收率為87%;隨後利用模糊德懷術獲取的總評分值進行國小身心障礙類初任特教教師導入方案內涵重要程度之排序,以作為相關單位擘畫初任特教教師導入方案之參考。 本研究結果如下: ㄧ、國小身心障礙類初任特教教師導入方案之內涵應包含「心理」、「資源」、「班級經營」、「教學設計與實施」、「專業成長」及「夥伴關係」6個面向,其重要程度依序為「班級經營」、「教學設計與實施」、「夥伴關係」、「專業成長」、「心理」與「資源」。 二、國小身心障礙類初任特教教師導入方案之內涵面向中包含53個項目,重要程度最高的8個項目依序為「執行IEP的知能」、「評估學生能力現況和需求的知能」、「處理學生問題行為的知能」、「編製合適教材教具的知能」、「運用合宜教學方法的知能」、「實施學生個案輔導的知能」、「編擬IEP的知能」及「激發學生學習動機的知能」,皆歸屬於「教學設計與實施」及「班級經營」兩個面向,此與六個內涵面向的排序結果一致。 根據研究結果,提出以下幾點建議: ㄧ、對教育實務之建議 (一)應關注初任特教教師的專業成長。 (二)應制定正式的特教教師專業標準以引導教師生涯專業發展。 (三)對國內初任特教教師導入方案發展與實施之建議: 1. 組織初任特教教師導入方案發展與執行團隊。 2. 進行初步需求評估。 3. 確認可利用的資源。 4. 發展書面計畫。 5. 方案實施。 6. 方案評鑑與修正。 二、對未來研究之建議 (一)研究對象方面 擴大研究對象至初任特教教師、經驗特教教師、學校行政人員、各縣市特教行政人員、專業團隊及家長等利害關係人,從不同層面進行資料蒐集及大量問卷調查分析。 (二)研究工具方面 增加「專家座談」之方式,廣泛蒐集專家之深入意見,以使研究內容能更臻完善且符合初任特教教師之實際需求。 (三)研究內容方面 可依初任特教教師任教之班級類型,發展更符合初任特教教師實際教學需求之導入方案內涵。 (四)研究過程方面 未來若擴大研究對象的範圍,可進一步分析比較不同對象之差異觀點,以作為相關單位建構國小身心障礙類初任特教教師導入方案之總體考量。


The purpose of this study is to identify the content of induction program for elementary beginning teachers of special education. Literature analysis was first used to synthesize and develop related preliminary questionnaire before the formal survey. Then, the Fuzzy Delphi method was conducted to collect the consensus opinions of a group of experts. The conclusions of the research were summarized as follow: 1.The essential content of the induction program for elementary beginning teachers of special education includes “psychological supports”, “resources”, “classroom management”, “instructional design and practice”, “professional development”, and “partnership”. The priorities of these six dimensions start with “classroom management”, “instructional design and practice”, “partnership”, “professional development”, “psychological supports” and “resources”. 2.The essential content of the induction program for elementary beginning teachers of special education is comprised with fifty-three items. Based on the degree of importance of these items, “carry out the IEPs”, “assess students’ timely ability and need”, “deal with the problematic behaviors of student”, “design the suitable teaching materials”, “apply the appropriate instructional methods”, “apply guidance competency”, “design the IEPs”, and “promote the learning motivation of students” should be the major focus. These eight items all belong to “instructional design and practice” and “classroom management” dimensions. Suggestions for the educational practice and future research were summarized as follows: 1.For the educational practice (1)It is need to pay close attention to the professional development of beginning special education teachers. (2)The professional standards of special education teacher should be established. (3)The development and practice of the induction program for elementary beginning teachers of special education should include following six stages: “organization of induction program development team”, “identification of available resources”, “preliminary needs assessment”, “development of written plan”, “program implementation”, and “program evaluation and revision”. 2.For the future study (1)To expand the scope of research subjects to all relevant stakeholders. (2)To conduct “expert panel discussion” in order to collect comprehensive experts suggestions extensively. (3)To develop the contents of the induction program according to the kinds of special education classes. (4)To further analyze the differences of the suggestions among different kind of stakeholders.


Bartell, C. A., (2005). Cultivating high-quality teaching through induction and mentoring. CA: Corwin Press.


