  • 期刊


The Development of Career Guidance Needs Scale for Novice Elementary Teachers


本研究主要的目的是編制一套「國民小學初任教師工作輔導需求量表」,並攷驗量表之信度與效度。研究程序先參攷國內外相關文獻,並寄 發100份開放性問卷給國立花蓮師範學院八十八學年度及八十九學年度畢業,目前擔任正式教師之校友填答,回收共76份問卷,將開放性問卷資料做爲記錄之後擬定初稿,經過120位國內學者專家、國小校長、主任及教師審查後決定量表架構與預試題本。對934名國民小學初任教師施測,經題目分析後決定正式量表。 本量表包括八個國民小學初任教師工作輔導需求的層面,分別是「學校教學」、「學校課程」、「學生管理與輔導」、「學校行政與動作」、「與同事的人際沇通與互動」、「與家長及學生的人際溝通與互動」、「身心壓力與負擔」及「個人生涯與規劃」。每個層面題目介於4題至11題之間,全量表共有53題,形式採Likert四點量表。八個分量表的內部一致性分別介於.9106和.9557之間,因素解釋量達74.186%,每一層面中小題之因素負荷量介於.448和.483。結果顯示本量表的信度、效度頗佳。 最後本研究依據量表編制結果,對國民小學初任教師工作輔導需求提出展望與未來研究之方向。


The purpose of this study was to develop the Career Guidance Needs Scale for novice elementary teachers and to test the scale reliability and validity. Development of the initial item pool was based on a review of relevant literature and the results from interview and open-end questionnaire. A sample of 934 novice elementary teachers was selected for pilot testing. After item and factor analyses, the preliminary version of the Career Guidance Needs Scale for novice elementary teachers was revised to the final version. The Career Guidance Needs Scale for novice elementary teachers consisted of 53 Likert-4-point items. Each subscale consisted of 4 to 11 items. All items of this scale was divided into eight dimensions which are academic curriculum, academic teaching, student affairs and consoling, school administration and operation, communication and interaction among colleagues, communication and interaction among students and their parents, mental and physical stress, and personal advanced studies and lifestyle. The internal consistency α coefficients were between .9106 and .9557, total scale a coefficient was .9759. The eight factors of this scale explained variation 74.186%. Predict validity and construct validity were significant. The reliability and validity of this scale appear to be good. The constructive suggestions have been made according to the analyses of this scale. It can be used as a reference for developmental teaching staff, educational administration units, elementary schools, novice elementary teachers, and researchers of future educational studies.


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