  • 學位論文


The causes of public corruption seriousness: An analysis of National District Court verdict

指導教授 : 曾冠球


【研究背景與問題】在過去的文獻中,有關貪污的研究可從不同的角度談起。從宏觀層面來說,舉凡政治、經濟、文化等因素都會影響到貪污行為;從微觀角度,可從個體角度探討貪污行為,如:行為人、利害關係人等。關於本研究主要係想以公務員為主軸,利用個人因素、情境因素及人口統計變項於貪腐嚴重性間之差異及影響性,瞭解影響公務員貪腐原因為何。 【研究方法與資料來源】本研究主要以內容分析法為主,以司法院網站中法學資料庫為主要資料來源,設定全國地方法院為範圍,以100年度犯貪污罪成立之公務員為其研究對象,並運用編碼表方式進行記錄。 【研究發現】本研究利用SPSS17.0統計軟體進行資料分析,最後根據其研究結果提出建議。其研究發現如下:(一)公務員的職務屬性、弊端類型與犯罪結構會與貪腐嚴重性有所差異;在個人及情境因素中,則與正直認知、長官影響、請託關說、核照權因素有所差異。(二)公務員貪腐嚴重性背後會受到長官影響、請託關說、核照權因素所影響。


Corruption problem has been discussed by different perspectives in the past literature. From macro level, it covered the political, economic, and cultural system. They also focus on the individual perspective, such as: the actors, stakeholders from the micro level. Nevertheless, there are still more factors that can influence corruption. About this paper, the author intends to manipulate personal factors, situational factors and demographic variables to explore the causes of corruption problem. The methodologies of this study used method of content analysis. Through the Judicial Yuan official website database as the primary source of data, the scope of the National District Court, corruption seriousness of public servants is an object of study. In this study, we used SPSS17.0 statistical software for analysis. The empirical results show, individual attribute, type of malpractice and structure behavior may be difference. In personal and situational factors, deviated behavior, affected by the administrator, illicit lobbying and approval right factors were differences on the severity of the public servants corruption. And then, corruption seriousness may suffer from affected by the administrator, illicit lobbying and approval rights. Implications of this result were illustrated also.


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