  • 學位論文

俄羅斯觀光行為意向研究 - 以俄文相關系所學生為例

Behavioral Intention of Taiwanese toward Traveling in Russia: A Case Study of University Students from Departments of Russian Studies

指導教授 : 李宗鴻 馬良文


本研究旨在探討俄文相關系所學生赴俄羅斯觀光的行為模式。採深入訪談與問卷調查方式進行研究。深入訪談的對象為俄羅斯相關領域之專家,訪談內容分為個人基本資料、經營面與政策面等三部分。自編問卷內容包括觀光態度、觀光動機、觀光資訊、過去觀光體驗及觀光行為意向等五個量表,以俄文相關系所學生為研究對象,利用普查方法,進行問卷調查。於2005年12月共發放784份問卷,其中拒答4份,無效問卷2份,有效問卷778份。將所有資料以SPSS 13.0進行統計分析與檢定,利用LISREL 8.52進行驗證性因素分析及結構方程模式的實證研究,以最大概似估計法對本研究模式中各組變項間之因果關係進行估計。實證研究顯示,俄文相關系所學生對俄羅斯觀光行為模式中,觀光態度顯著的直接影響觀光動機,間接影響觀光行為意向;觀光資訊顯著的直接影響觀光行為意向;過去觀光體驗顯著的直接影響觀光行為意向;觀光動機顯著的直接影響觀光行為意向;然而,觀光態度對行為意向的直接效果不顯著。利用本研究模式,可有效的建構俄文相關系所學生赴俄羅斯觀光的行為模式。


大學生 觀光 行為意向 俄羅斯


This study was used the latent variables of tourism attitude, tourism motive, tourism information, past tourism experience and behavioral intention to assess the behavioral intention model of the university students from Departments of Russian studies in Taiwan. Questionnaires were administered in December 2005, four respondents refused to answer and two questionnaires were invalid owing to being incomplete, leaving a total of 778 valid questionnaires. The descriptive statistics of socio-demographic was analyzed by SPSS 13.0 for Windows. The confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation model analysis were analyzed by LISREL 8.52. All the parameters were estimated by Maximum Likelihood Estimation. Empirical results indicated that tourism attitude affected tourism motive directly and affected behavioral intention indirectly. Tourism motive affected behavioral intention directly. Tourism information affected behavioral intention directly. Past tourism experiences affected behavioral intention directly. However, tourism attitude did not have the significant effect of behavioral intention. We could construct the behavioral intention model of the university students from Departments of Russian Studies in Taiwan using this behavioral model.


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