  • 學位論文


A Study of Cooperative Learning and Differentiated Instruction: The Integration of Jigsaw in Eighth Grade Chinese Class

指導教授 : 張月霞


合作學習與閱讀是台灣107課綱中所想強調的素養,而拼圖法包含了此兩個能力之運用,故我在課堂中施用了拼圖法,卻因學生能力不均而成效不彰。 因此我將差異化教學的概念融入拼圖法的實施,為嶄新的拼圖法課程。此課程為不同能力的學生,設計了相異程度的文本、相異程度的學習任務,並設計不同的角色,讓學生能得到所需的支援。 課程前後皆有PISA的測驗與合作學習問卷,作為量化資料;課程中每一堂課結束後,都有個人心得記錄單與一對一訪談,作為質性資料。課程進行中的筆記、錄影與教師觀察,都用來作為分析的依據之一。 實驗結果,學生在課程後,於學習成效、自我效能與合作技巧上皆有進步。同時我設計出了嶄新拼圖法的架構圖,並設計一套步驟,能確實幫助學生增進閱讀與合作能力,達到有效學習的目標。


Cooperative learning and reading comprehension are the two competences that emphasized in the curriculum guidelines of 12-year Basic Education in Taiwan. The Jigsaw Instructions embody the two concepts of cooperative learning and reading comprehension abilities. In my Chinese classes, I had tried to use jigsaw strategy to organized students’ learning activities. However, due to the uneven capacities of students, this teaching method was not proved as effective as I would have expected. In this study, a newly developed curriculum module which integrated differentiated instruction into the jigsaw was used in the 8th grade Chinese course. In the consideration of different levels of learning abilities and needs, this jigsaw module designed with different reading texts, learning tasks, and roles for group members in cooperative learning activities, in which student could support each other and to accomplish the assigned missions together. This study collected quantitative data of students’ PISA test scores and perceptions of cooperative learning questionnaire. For the qualitative data, students’ learning reflections, student interviews, classroom observations, and class notes were collected and used for data analysis. According to the study results, it was found that students’ learning outcome, self-efficacy, and teamwork skills were improved. This study also developed a new version of jigsaw instruction model that can be used to help enhance student’s reading comprehension and teamwork ability to achieve the goal of effective learning.


佐藤學(2012)。課程與教師。鍾啟泉(譯)。北京市:教育科學出版社。(原著出版於 2003)。
