  • 學位論文


The Communist Party of China assesses against the actual situation of strategic ability of the satellite weapon.

指導教授 : 曾復生


綜觀國際間軍事事務革命之浪潮,改變了傳統軍事作戰觀念,「制天權」是繼陸權、19世紀的制陸權論以及20世紀制空權、制信息權論後,新的作戰制權概念。是故因應爭奪制天權的「太空戰」將在21世紀登場。 中共受美國與蘇聯競相發展太空戰力的影響下,於1956年開始發展其太空科技,歷經近50年的發展,儼然已成為世界航天大國,其太空戰力之建構亦在穩固的太空科技的基礎下逐漸「追俄趕美」,並繼美、蘇之後成立「天軍」,以爭奪未來太空的主導權,顯見各軍事強國已為了本世紀的戰爭主導權,籌建爭奪制天權,主宰天穹的全新勢力。 2007年1月初,中共向太空發射一枚彈道飛彈,摧毀一枚大陸自己八年前部署在太空軌道上的氣象衛星,造成全球震驚。本文從爭奪制天權的背景概念中研究中共「反衛星武器」之發展,藉以瞭解中共對於建天軍、奪天權之思維以及中共之高科技研究計畫與太空技術發展階段和太空戰組織、裝備發展現況與中共太空戰未來發展的企圖與方向,並進一步提出「反衛星武器」的戰略性能力虛實評估。


制天權 太空科技 太空戰 天軍 反制衛星


The waves of military innovation have changed the principle and concept of traditional military warfare. The command of the space, succeeding the power of the land in the early days, the Sea superiority in the 18th century, the command of land in the 19th century, the Air superiority and the Information dominance in the 20th century has become a totally new concept of military command. The space warfare, for the purpose of controlling the space, finally comes on the stage. Under the influence of the competitors between the U.S.A. and U.S.S.R. in the field of military prowess, China started its development of space technology in 1956. After 50 years passed, Chain has become a nation of potential space warfare. Its prowess in space warfare is found on its advanced and firmly established space science and technology. Following the U.S.A. and the U.S.S.R. China has build up its space army which aims at seizing the dominion of the future space warfare. Evidently, every great nation, for the purposes of gaining supreme authority in the warfare in this century, has fully engaged in building up its prowess in the command of the space. This text makes from fighting for on day studies the development of the Communist Party of China ' against the satellite weapon ' in the background concept of right, use to understand the Communist Party of China is for building the soldier on day, take the thinking of right and Hi-Tech of the Communist Party of China on day and study and plan to fight the organization with space developing stage of technology and space, equip development present situation and attempt and direction of fighting future development of the Communist Party of China space, and the actual situation of strategic ability proposed ' against the satellite weapon ' further is assessed.


Brzezinski, Zbigniew 著,林添貴譯,《大棋盤》,台北縣新店市:立緒文化,1998年。


李仁傑(2011)。中共「反介入戰略」(Anti-access Strategies)中北斗衛星的能力虛實〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2011.01135
