  • 學位論文


Researching for Promoting Bilateral Health as a Goal of Life Culture Trip ─ Take the Elderlies’ Looking for the Bloodline Roots of Fujian Coastal Towns as an Example

指導教授 : 李志強


研究目的是探討生命文化對身、心、靈與社會活動的意義及價值。銀髮族的生命文化尋根是開啟生命智慧、生命關懷以及實踐生命意義的具體活動;又因尋根活動中需涉及人與人之間的相處與互動,所以也開啟了人際關係關係的建立,故生命文化尋根是銀髮族建立自信、關懷與人際互動的具體活動項目之一。 金、廈兩側雖在國共分裂時形成軍事上的對峙關係,然不論在文化面上抑或是生態上,卻皆屬於同一體系的閩南共同體。雖有舊時代的恩怨情仇,然而銀髮族們卻於年老退休後總想要回老家去走一走、看一看甚或有落葉歸根的想法;還有原先老祖宗時就來臺灣的臺灣漢民,居於血濃於水的情誼,對祖居地亦有一份深刻的好奇心,故金廈閩鄉的返鄉之旅遂有其特殊的文化背景與非凡意義。在銀髮族的尋根之旅中,「文化訴求」是其旅程中比較看重的一環,而宗教、宗祠尤需考慮在內,休閒、健康與環境安全亦是不可忽略的重要環節。 靜態的文化創作(例如:詩、詞、曲、歌謠等韻文)或文史學詮釋充分地融入於銀髮族的生命文化中皆有助於激起其更大的成就感,且更能激發其生命光輝、生命價值與生命意義,尚且還有助於適度用腦以防止老化症等諸多相關不良症狀,因此在尋根旅遊之際亦納入銀髮族生命教育的核心價值。 兩岸互動日趨頻繁,只要啟動一次旅遊就可建立一種人脈關係,於是銀髮族在社會互動上跨出了一大步,有互動性的朋友網絡也較易達成心靈慰藉及身心健康,可見在實踐面上是環環相扣的連帶關係。由以上分析可得:銀髮族最重要的生命教育是社會互動,其理念是建立在生命實踐上,而其手段及策略可在兩岸尋根活動中達成,可見基於血濃於水的兩岸情誼,確實可增進銀髮族的健康。


The purpose of the research is to investigate how the life culture effects on the meaning and value in which health, psycology,soul and social activities exist. The elderlies' looking for the bloodline roots of life culture is to open life wisdom, life care, as well as, to put into concrete life practice. However, the activities of looking for the bloodline roots of life culture involve interactivities. For the long run, it can thus open and establish the human relationship. The trips of looking for the bloodline roots of life culture can help the elderlies establish confidence, care and interactivities, and so on. Kinmen and Xiemen confronting to each other in the wartime period, nevertheless, culturally and ecologically, both belong to unit systom of Mingnan community. Though both grudged each other in the wartime, the elderlies will feel like going back to the native land in retirement. However, those Taiwanese whose ancestors belong to Han ethnic group coming from Mainland China are eager to come back native land, basing on common blooding origin, to look around their ancestors' residental place,curiously. The trips of Kinmen, Xiemen and Mingnan countries have their own cultural background and meaning,specially and supernormally. Among looking for bloodline roots of elderlies' cultural trips most is "accountable culture" , nevertheless, religions and ancestor' temples involving in the trips, as well as, leisures, health and environment concerning in these as well. Quiescent creations, such as: Chinese poem, literary term, melody, song, and so on, or comments on historical literature, all which merge in life culture can help the elderlies attain greater achievements. Therefore, cultural creations let them make the elderlies easier to enlight a glorious, valuable and meaningful life. Moreover, moderate thinking can prevent the elderlies from related aging symptoms, hence, as well as adopting the core value of life education takes into consideration during designing out a trip of looking for bloodline root. Bilateral Chinese activities are growing forward, and each trip can thus enlight another relationship, thus making the elderlies go a big step in the future social interactions. Some interactive friendnets are able to make them easier for spiritual solace, however physical and mental health as well, facing practically mutual relationships. From analysis above, the elderlies' most important life education is social interaction whose main reason establishes in life practice. However, the methods and tactics can attain this goal in the native-cultual trips. Basing on bilateral blooding relationships, actually can thus enhance the elderlies' health thoroughly.


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