  • 學位論文

西班牙道德經中形上概念的譯本研究 ––以「道」、「有」、「無」為例

The Translation Study on the Metaphysical Idea in the Spanish Version of Daode jing: focus on “Dao”,“You”, “Wu”

指導教授 : 林盛彬


本論文將以杜善牧先生(Carmelo Elorduy)、雷孟篤先生(Jose Ramon Alvarez)和畢隱涯先生(Inaki Preciado Idoeta)三位漢學家對於《道德經》(Daode jing)的翻譯和詮釋著作為主要研究材料,以「道」(Tao)、「有」(You) 及「無」(Wu)等概念為例示,互相參照並探討形上概念詞彙中翻譯的層次與境界。 由於近代譯學較少談及哲學思想翻譯的問題,多以討論較普遍也較有實效的語言文學、商業應用上的翻譯,其中有關詩的結構或韻文方面的翻譯問題,基本上有其在情感反應上的普遍性,可以較貼切地在詮釋與翻譯上找到著力點,但這方面的論述,卻不容易應用到思想性的翻譯問題。是之,由於本文關注的焦點,在於比較西班牙文譯本在《道德經》的義理詮釋及翻譯之「信」與「達」上的討論,其重心稍偏於前者,故本論文將容攝葛達瑪(H. Gadamer)的詮釋學原理,作為分析參照的觀點,再從比較中討論其翻譯的策略,因此,本文不擬使用特定的翻譯理論作為討論的依據。 本文的論述程序––前人研究成果整理與分析;包含中西方文獻討論、西班牙漢學概況摘要,以及漢學家對於形上概念的詮釋。再者,正文部分以《道德經》〈一〉、〈四〉、〈二十五〉章的西班牙譯文,參照理解漢學家對「道」的義理詮釋。再以〈三十八〉、〈四十〉章的譯文,進一步探究「有」、「無」 的義理詮釋。最後,提供本文的結論,即思想翻譯的進路,以回應西班牙漢學家的貢獻。 總的而言,思想翻譯的困境雖不能以任何一種有效標準的技術根除,但卻能應開闊不同的詮釋角度,發掘經典新的意義。當大眾愈來愈忽視原文古籍,若能藉由新的(翻譯)詮釋,而引發人們重新關注原典,那麼經典的豐富意義也會不斷地演出展開。 關鍵字:道、有、無、思想翻譯、詮釋學


思想翻譯 詮釋學


Based on translation and interpretation works of Daode Jing from Carmelo Elorduy, Jose Ramon Alvarez and Inaki Preciado Idoeta, this thesis will explore the hierarchy and level of translation works among metaphysics by mainly focusing on Tao, Yu, and Wu. Recent translation works are more involved with literature and business application and less with philosophy and thoughts. As a result, even such translation works often discuss the composition of poems or statement of rhymes, they may not offer comprehensive translation for certain philosophical translations. However, translation itself is a way of interpretation. In this thesis, the research method of the analysis and discussion will be built in the ground of Truth and Method by H. Gadamer. This thesis will firstly summarize and analyze the outcomes of previous studies, including discussion of western and eastern literature review, summary of Sinology of Spain, and interpretation of metaphysics from Sinologists. Secondly, the author will provide Spanish translation of chapter one, chapter four and chapter twenty-five from Daode jing in order to offer further understanding of Tao interpretation from Sinologists. Lastly, the conclusion, which is approach of philosophical translation, can serve as response to the contribucion of Spain Sinologists. To sum up, the dilema in philosophical translation cannot be eliminated with one standard solution. However, we could explore new meanings from historical texts by applying translation from varied angles. If we could attract people’s attention toward historical texts through new interpretations, then the abundant meanings can be more extended and evolved.


Dao You Wu philosophical translations hermeneutics


雷孟篤,〈西班牙漢學研究現況的現況〉,刊載於《漢學研究通訊》,26:1(總 101期),2007年2月。
Lao-tzu., The book of Lao Tzu, The tao te ching[translation by] Wu Yi, San Bruno, Calif. : Great Learning Publishing, 1989.
