  • 學位論文

戴爾模式應用於台灣工業端點銷售電腦產業可行性研究 -以飛捷公司為例

A Feasibility Study of applying Dell model to Industrial Point-Of-Sales Computer Industry in Taiwan - A Case Study of Flytech technology co., Ltd

指導教授 : 蔡進丁


台灣個人電腦產業在全球電腦分工的態勢下曾經創造了相當優秀的成績單。過去十年間台灣的知名電腦大廠在競爭激流之中,面臨保四,保五的代工利潤中廝殺,營運得極其辛苦。戴爾公司的竄起,首先在美國市場所向披靡,再在2001年時成為全球第一大電腦廠商。戴爾公司所憑藉的就是其優異的商業模式所創造的競爭優勢。在此直銷模式之下,排除了供應鏈中無效率的經銷商,得以將利潤回饋客戶,戴爾公司先創的 BTO供應鏈管理模式,造就了稱羨Just In Time 零庫存理想,整體營運績效節省了佔營業收入接近 15%的效益。本研究目的在於探討工業電腦個案廠商應用戴爾模式的可行性。 本研究以研究者服務的飛捷公司為個案,進行戴爾公司模式的仿效與應用可行性分析。探究戴爾公司成功的條件,比較戴爾公司與飛捷公司的成功必要條件具備程度,以確定可行性研究前提之成立。模擬三種情境(Scenario)並作成成本效益分析(Cost-Benefit Analysis)以估算案例公司應用戴爾模式之效益。本研究運用的資料分析方法有:(1)定量方法:迴歸分析、成本效益分析;(2)定性分析:情境分析;(3)統計套裝軟體:Minitab 14版。 本研究總結戴爾模式成功之必要條件有六項:(1)直接銷售;(2)BTO供應鏈管理;(3)經營自我品牌;(4)顧客導向之市場區隔;(5)目標客戶為企業用戶;(6)採用標準技術開發產品。本研究發展之「戴爾模式效益模型」,對戴爾模式產生之效益解釋為:導入戴爾模式將會造成營業成本降低 8%,銷售及管理費用降低 5%,研究發展費用降低 2%,共計產生之效益佔總營業收入之 15%。本研究所發展戴爾公司「營業淨利迴歸模型」可充分解釋與預測戴爾模式所產生之當年度營業淨利。個案飛捷公司應用戴爾模式時,仍須針對該模式的必要條件進行自身商業運作模式的調整與改善,本研究提出飛捷公司應用戴爾模式的建議:(1)導入直接銷售模式。(2)發展品牌管理。(3)對目標客戶進行市場區隔。(4)導入BTO 供應鏈管理。(5)持續採用標準化技術建構產品。(6)提升現有全球性售後服務系統。


The PC industry in Taiwan once created a boom owing to a global trend in the division of labor. However, over the past decade, even the most well-known PC companies have operated under great pressure to maintain a profit as low as 4% to 5%. Dell Inc’s breakthrough - first standing out conspicuously in the American market, and then in 2001 becoming the world’s biggest PC manufactory – is credited to its competitive advantages based on an extraordinary business model. Dell’s direct model excludes ineffective sellers in the supply chain and saves the reduced cost as a feedback to its customers. Moreover, it admirably accomplishes a Just-In-Time Inventory System by the BTO (bill to order) Supply Chain Management Model and improves its overall operation performance to have saved nearly 15% as compared with its net revenue. This research is aimed to analyze the feasibility of applying Dell Model to the industrial personal computer manufactories by the case of Flytech Technology Ltd. (Flytech). It will first study the reasons behind Dell’s success and then compare Flytech’s conditions with Dell’s to make sure that the prerequisite for this study is sufficient. Three Scenarios are created and each goes with a Cost-Benefit analysis to estimate the effectiveness when applying Dell Model to Flytech. The data analysis methods applied in this study are as follows: 1. Quantitative Methods: Regression analysis and Cost-Benefit analysis; 2. Qualitative methods: Scenario analysis; 3. Minitab Statistical Software edition 14. In conclusion, the success of Dell Model attributed to six essential reasons: 1. adopting Direct Sales strategy; 2. originating BTO Supply Chain Management; 3. implementing Brand Management; 4. applying customer-oriented market segmentation approach; 5.singling out business customers as target customers; 6. developing productions by standardized technology. The Dell Effectiveness Model (DEM) proposed in this study offers the following conclusion to the effectiveness of Dell Model: Applying Dell Model will reduce operating expenses by 8%, Selling, General and Administrative Expenses (SG&A) by 5%, and R&D expenses by 2%, which in total can save up to 15% as compared with net revenue. The Net income Regression Model developed in this study can also fully explain and predict the case company’s annual net income when applying Dell Model. This study proposes that, when adopting Dell Model, Flytech should make several required adjustments in its business operation custom as follows: 1. conducting Direct Sales; 2. developing Brand Management; 3. using market segmentation to distinguish target customers; 4. conducting BTO Supply Chain Management; 5. continuing to develop products by standardized technology and 6. enhancing the existing global after-sale service system.


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