  • 學位論文


Narrtive Analysis on Survival Sibling Experienced The Change in Family Relationship after Bereavement

指導教授 : 呂旭亞


本研究的動機,來自於研究者自身喪手足經驗,以及接觸喪親者的助人工作經歷,引發對倖存手足所經驗的家人關係轉變之探問。而基於上述研究動機,研究者欲關注的即是喪手足後,倖存手足所經驗的家人關係改變。 研究者以敘說研究中的「整體—內容」取向,整理及分析文本資料。三位在青少年時期喪手足之倖存者,敘說了其喪親故事與經驗家人關係改變之悲傷歷程,經由研究者對研究資料有意義的剪裁與再組織下,形成了故事文本。之後,研究者再不斷反覆閱讀文本,以研究者的心理諮商專業背景進行對研究主題的再脈絡化分析與詮釋。 從三位敘說者的故事中,研究者發現在不同家庭背景成長的敘說者,其原先的教養方式、家人關係等都會影響喪親後家庭成員間的互動,而倖存手足在不同的關係角色中有著相當矛盾的心境,面對關係的改變三位敘說者也有迥異的詮釋。本研究中,研究者根據「親子關係」、「父母婚姻關係」及「其他家人關係」進行分類探討整理,以期更能深刻地體會與了解這些倖存手足在喪親後經驗到了哪些家人關係改變,他們如何解讀這些改變?感受又是如何?此外,研究者也針對研究中所看到的現象提出幾點建議及看法,提供有機會與這類型的個案工作時的專業助人者,或是想進行相關研究者,一個可以參考與省思的方向。


The motivation of this research comes from the author’s experience of the death of a sibling and counsel careers to help people who experienced the death of their family members. In this thesis, we’ll aim at the investigation of changes in family relationships after bereavement. The methodology of this research is based on “Integral-contents” of narrative research. First, three stories which described the changes in family relationships after bereavement were selected as case studies, and their sad narrations were reorganized to form meaningful story contexts. Next, we reviewed the story contexts again and again to analyze and interpret the influence of death of a sibling according to the professional psychology counseling backgrounds. The organized stories show that: 1. different growth background, education and family relationships will affect the interaction between family members after bereavement. 2. the survivals of the death of a sibling have complicated moods in different roles of family and have different interpretation when facing to the changes of family relationships. According to the classification of “Parent-Child relationships”, “Parents’ marriage relationships” and “Other family members’ relationships”, we’ll further discuss what they will experience in changes of family relationships after bereavement? How will they interpret these changes? And how will they feel? Furthermore, several opinions and suggestions will be proposed to provide different aspects for consultants or researchers who are interested in this topic.


李佩容 (2001)。喪親青少年之哀悼歷程-以921地震的個案為例。中原大學心理學研究所碩士論文,未出版,中壢。
劉玉玲 (2002)。青少年心裡學。台北:揚智。


