  • 學位論文


Literary Selections of Sixteen Ming Essay Masters” Compilation and Dissemination Research

指導教授 : 顏崑陽


小品本為佛教用語,原指佛經的節本。後因晚明文人轉換「小品」為文學概念後,受到晚明時期獨特的時空背景之影響,小品成為晚明時期所獨有的文學產物。   晚明小品的創作和接受對象皆以文人社群為主體。其文學上的種種特點,像是相對於高文大冊或是以審美態度看待文學之主張,皆是文人社群於當代反動之回應。   小品相關的輿譽,隨著時代的興敗衰亡而改變。像是有清一代,多視小品為禁燬;近現代又因為五四新文學運動上溯晚明小品為根源而使其地位如日中天。然而在諸多的討論中,我們都可以發現《皇明十六家小品》的身影。然而綜覽諸多研究後發現,《皇明十六家小品》雖曾被列為晚明三大小品選本之ㄧ,卻幾乎沒有相關的資料流傳。因此,本論文以《皇明十六家小品》編選與傳播作為研究定位。   全文分為五章。分別討論《皇明十六家小品》編選與傳播的議題。第一章從歷史語境及其相關研究探討晚明小品的文學意義,以其理解小品意義的演變脈絡。第二章從讀者和編選者的不同視域理解藏本之歧異的可能因素與意義,理解《皇明十六家小品》的編選意識。第三章由體裁的具體落實來印證《皇明十六家小品》的編選意識。第四章則通過題材的分析來討論《皇明十六家小品》編選意識的理想性與型塑新的小品典範之用心。第五章,歸結前文所述,討論《皇明十六家小品》的傳播與侷限;理解《皇明十六家小品》主觀面的理想性與客觀面的侷限。   本文希望透過《皇明十六家小品》的特殊性,通過不同的小品類型之理解,呈現迥異於多數小品外的另一種聲音,展現另一種風格可能性的晚明小品。


The term of literary selections refers to Buddhist chapter section. Due to the unique space background of late Ming dynasty, the literary selections become the unique literature product of late Ming dynasty. The creation object and acceptance subject will focus on those scholar groups and the specialty of this literature, such as large volumes of high aesthetic or approach to literature, is the response for those contemporary writers with that current time. The related comments of literary selections will change with various periods of times. For example, as for Qing dynasty, most people viewed literary selections as the prohibited products; upon recent period of time, because of the effect of Five Fourth literature movement, the status of literary selections became second to none. However, within a variety of discussions, we can keep the track of the figure of literary selections. However, after browsing a lot of researches, we can find out that although “Literary Selections of Sixteen Ming Essay Masters” was ever ranked one of three literary selections, there was not any relevant information to spread. As a result, this dissemination chose Compilation and Dissemination of Literary Selections of Sixteen Ming Essay Masters as research position. The full text can be divided into five chapters as it delved into the issue of Compilation and Dissemination of Literary Selections of Sixteen Ming Essay Masters. The chapter one explores the meaning of literary selection with its evolutional history on the basis of historical context and related study. The chapter two wants to comprehend the compile awareness of Literary Selections of Sixteen Ming Essay Masters by the means of various perspectives of different readers. The chapter three wants to comprehend the compile awareness of Literary Selections of Sixteen Ming Essay Masters by the means of concrete implementation of genre, while chapter four wants to discuss the ideal compile awareness and new model of Literary Selections of Sixteen Ming Essay Masters. For chapter five, it not only summarizes the above chapters, but also discusses the spread and limitations, which understands the ideal face of subjective and objective limitations for Literary Selections of Sixteen Ming Essay Masters. This article hopes to present an alternative style of literary selections of late Ming dynasty by the means of the specialty of Literary Selections of Sixteen Ming Essay Masters as well as different types of literary selections.


〈論提要的客觀性、主觀性與引導性〉,《書目季刊》第39卷第3期, 2004年6月。


