  • 學位論文


The effects of career commitment, work stress and social support on organizational commitment - a case study of a special service organization

指導教授 : 洪英正
共同指導教授 : 楊立人


為組織努力、效力的優秀人才是組織競爭優勢的關鍵要素;特勤組織成立數十載,職司護衛安全維護對象任務,倡儀「忠誠」、「萬全」之核心理念,其工作具備高度專業性、風險性及挑戰性之特性,成員雖長期處於高壓力工作狀態,然優質專業人員續留組織服務,仍秉持核心理念,熱心投入,相互砥勵,戮力以赴達成組織目標;時至今日,由於社會變遷,人力結構改變,組織形象日益低落,專業人員的流動率遞增,影響組織成長;所以,特勤組織當務之急應強化組織成員向心力,提昇其對組織之承諾,挽留足夠的優質專業人員,盡心為組織效力,此為特勤組織永續發展關鍵因素之一。 本研究以特勤組織之組織承諾為研究主題,以特勤人員為研究對象,探討生涯承諾、工作壓力、社會支持對組織承諾之影響;利用文獻與實證方式實施探討,期透過本研究找出各研究變項間因果關聯性或差異關係,亟待能有所發現,以提供特勤組織管理者、社會大眾、特勤同儕及其眷屬參考,在未來能投入更多心力關注特勤人員,並採取適當有效措施謀求解決及因應之道,提昇其組織承諾,傳承優良特勤精神,讓使命再造,讓新機再創。最後本研究結果分述如下: ㄧ、特勤人員之生涯承諾、社會支持對組織承諾,具顯著差異,即特勤人員在個人生涯承諾、社會支持之不同,在組織承諾上有顯著差異。 二、特勤人員之生涯承諾、社會支持對組織承諾,具有正向顯著影響,亦即生涯承諾、社會支持愈高,其組織承諾愈高;工作壓力則對組織承諾無顯著影響。 三、不同年齡之特勤人員在生涯承諾上,具有顯著差異,事後考驗發現年齡愈長則生涯承諾愈高,年齡愈輕則生涯承諾愈低。 四、特勤人員年齡與居住狀況之不同,在工作壓力之「職業生涯壓力」構面上,具顯著差異,即年輕、無自有住宅者,其職業生涯壓力高於年齡長及擁有自有住宅者;不同之婚姻狀況在工作壓力上,具顯著差異,發現未婚者工作壓力高於已婚者;民間學位之不同在工作壓力之「工作負荷壓力」、「專業期許壓力」構面上,具顯著差異,即民間學位較高者,其工作負荷壓力、專業期許壓力愈高;不同職務在工作壓力之「專業期許壓力」構面上,具顯著差異,發現特勤人員、特勤人員兼參謀專業期許壓力高於指揮職。 五、不同年齡、配偶就業與否之特勤人員在社會支持之「家人支持」構面上,具顯著差異,得知年齡較大者社會支持較高,年齡愈輕則社會支持愈低,配偶就業之男性在家人支持上高於女性。 六、不同性別之特勤人員在組織承諾之「努力承諾」上,具顯著差異,得知男性在努力承諾上高於女性。 關鍵字:生涯承諾、工作壓力、社會支持、組織承諾


The talented agents work hard and efficiency is the key element for the organization to compete. The Special Forces have been established for several decades. Their main duty is to protect the safety of people. The core idea is loyalty. The job possesses the qualities of high specialty, risks and challenges. Even though all special agents often work under high pressure over a long period of time, they still stay in their field, follow the core image of the Special Forces, and devote their enthusiasm to achieve goals. Nowadays, because the society and the labor construction have been changed, the image of the organization has decreased in popularity. The turnover rate of talented members of the Special Forces increases and that influences the growth of the organization. The urgent matter of the Special Forces is to strengthen its members’ centripetal force and to promote their commitment to the organization. To persuade members to stay and devote all their energies is one of the key objectives for the organization in order to maintain the organization keep operating. The main topic of this research is in regards to the commitment of special agents. The sample of this study is special agents. We use literature review to investigate the influence of career commitment, work stress and social support on the commitment of organization of special agents. Through this research, we became aware of the causes-effects of special agents’ organizational commitment by the influence of their diversities of work stress, specific social support, and career commitment. The finding can be used as references for supervisors of Special Forces, the social public, special colleagues and special agents’ family. In the future, we hope to focus more on special agents and take proper effective measures to solve problems that they encounter, promote their commitment of organization, and to share the positive spirit of the Special Forces. The research of the results is shown below. 1. There are significant differences on special agents’ organizational commitment between high and low career commitment and social support. The higher the career commitment and social support of special agents are, the higher the organizational commitment is. 2. Career commitment and social support of special agents have positive significant influences on organizational commitment. The work stress has no significant influences on special agents’ organizational commitment. 3. In the area of career commitment, there are significant differences among special agents of various ages. By after test the result indicates that the older the special agents are, the stronger their career commitment is, the younger the special agents are, and the weaker their career commitment is. 4. Special agents who differ in age and residence ownership show significant differences in “professional career stress” in the aspect of work stress. Younger special agents who do not own residence property face stronger professional career stress than those special agents who are older and own residence property. Marital status also leads to significant difference on work stress. Single special agents shoulder higher work stress than married special agents do. Various non-military academic degrees also constitute significant difference in “work load stress” and “professional expectation stress” in the aspect of work stress. The higher level of special agents’ degree are, the stronger the work load stress and professional expectation stress is. Different positions show significant differences in the aspect of “professional expectation stress”. Special agents and special agents with staff duties bear stronger professional expectation stress than special agents with commanding duties do. 5. Age and employment status of spouse constitute significant differences in the aspect of “family support” of the social support to the special agents. Older special agents are better supported by the society; younger special agents are less supported by the society. Male special agents whose spouses are employed receive higher family support than those female special agents do. 6. Male and female special agents differ significantly in their devotion commitment of the organizational commitment. Male special agents contribute higher devotion commitment than female special agents do. Key Words: career commitment, work stress, social support, organizational commitment


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