  • 學位論文


The monitoring of Transparency International to the corruption of Mexican government(2001-2005)

指導教授 : 王秀琦


貪腐的現象從人類誕生至今就一直普遍存在,不論在已開發國家、開發中或未開發的國家,貪腐惡習仍不斷侵蝕國家與社會資源。掌權者濫用權力並且將權力變相出租以換取大量的財富,所帶來的將嚴重影響社會中每一個階層,尤其是對社會階層較低的人民,因此,貪腐的影響遠比天災的危害更為嚴重。 在1993年成立的國際透明組織,是世界上唯一專門打擊貪腐的非政府組織。國際透明組織從1995年開始,根據各種貪腐調查結果,彙整建構以國家為評比對象的「貪腐印象指數」,全球同時發佈,行之有年後,它成為全球最廣泛被用來衡量貪腐情況的社會經濟指標。除了「貪腐印象指數」外,國際透明組織在1999年首次發表的「行賄指數」則是測量跨國公司與各行業行賄程度的重要指數。此外,「全球貪腐趨勢指數」是一項跨國性的民意調查,所得到的結果能了解每一接受調查國家裡各機關與部門的貪腐程度。 革命建制黨統治墨西哥長達71年,而長期一黨執政所衍生出的貪腐問題更是層出不窮,上從總統下至地方員警,無一不是利用其職物之便進而榨取人民的血汗錢。在2000年上任的福克斯總統,從他剛上任致力打擊貪腐到即將卸任時被爆出貪腐醜聞,即使是出身自國家行動黨的福克斯,最終也仍無法避免墮入前革命建制黨的六年貪腐與反貪腐的週期模式。 國際透明組織於1999年在墨西哥成立分部,在成立的兩年後的努力下,終於在2001開發出一套監督墨西哥政府貪腐的工具,此為「國家貪腐與廉潔政府指數」,而此調查結果表示全國性公立機構的貪腐指數與一個州政府的貪腐指數。此外,透過國際透明組織與墨西哥聯邦政府的合作模式,一探「廉潔協定」的成效如何。


The phenomenon of corruption was born from the mankind and generally exists all the time so far, the undeveloped country no matter in already developing the country, developing, the bad habit of corruption is still corroding the country and social resource constantly. The persons who abuse power and hire out power in order to exchange for a large amount of wealth, that bring will influence every sector of society, especially for the people of the lower sector, so the impact of corruption is more harmful than the danger of the natural disasters. Transparency International was founded in 1993, is the world's only dedicated to combating corruption non-governmental organizations. Transparency International since 1995, according to the investigation result of various kinds of corruption, built a country for the evaluation object Corruption Perception Index, after years, it has become the world's most widely used to measure the corruption situation in socio-economic indicators. Besides Corruption Perception Index, Transparency International in 1999 first published Bribe Payers Index, is the measurement of transnational corporations with the industry an important index of the extent of bribery. In addition, Global Corruption Barometer is a cross-national opinion poll, the results of a survey to understand each country in various organs and departments, the extent of corruption. Institutional Revolutionary Party ruled Mexico 71 years, a lot of power for a long time the issue of corruption, from the President to the police, are using power to extract hard-earned money of the people. President Fox took office in 2000, immediately after he took office from his efforts to combat corruption, and outgoing when scandals involving corruption. Even he came from National Action Party, also fell into the last six years of PRI's corruption and anti-corruption cycle. Transparency International set up branches in Mexico in 1999, two years after the establishment of these efforts, finally in 2001 developed a supervision tool for corrupt Mexican government, this is “The National Survey on Corruption and Good Governance” and This nationwide survey revealed corruption in public institutions index and a corruption index of the state government. In addition, by Transparency International and the Mexican federal government co-operation, understanding the effectiveness of Integrity Pact.


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