  • 學位論文


The Relevance between Taiwan Japanese Learners Watching Vtuber's Videos and Variations of Japanese Abilities: Focusing on Listening Abilities

指導教授 : 施信余


本研究以VTuber的動畫為教材,針對日文系的碩士班及大學部學生11人進行了實驗。VTuber為日本近年的流行文化之一。雖然近年來將日本動畫作為教材的研究數量不少,但針對VTuber動畫的研究卻很少。於是本研究決定採用VTuber動畫為研究主題。首先,為了瞭解VTuber的現狀,本研究會先研究VTuber近年的演變歷史與實況內容,並將VTuber動畫與其他媒體進行比較。然後再選擇20部VTuber的動畫製成學習單,並在實驗中使用。   實驗結果將實驗協力者分位上位群及下位群兩組進行分析。兩組採用的聽力策略雖有許多相似之處,但主要的差別是對於實驗的積極度。會影響積極度的要素之一為是否對日本流行文化有興趣等要素。如果將來要使用VTuber的動畫作為課堂教材的話,需要將動畫時間縮短到30分鐘以內。此外,要讓學習者容易接受的話,選擇的動畫内容也是以單純的遊戲為佳。然而VTuber的動畫作為日語聽力學習媒介是屬於難度較高的選擇,需要考慮班級整體狀況,如果無法聽取動畫內容的學習者較多時,需要避免此教材的連續使用。


This study uses VTuber videos as learning materials and attempts experiments on 11 graduate students and university students in the Japanese language department. VTuber is one of the Japanese pop cultures that is becoming more popular in recent years. So far, there have been many studies incorporating Japanese animation into classes, but there have been few studies on VTuber. Therefore, in this research, I decided to use the video of VTuber. First, in order to understand the actual situation of VTuber, we analyzed the history and distribution contents and clarified the difference from other contents. I chose a VTuber video, created a 20-day learning sheet, and used it in the experiment. The results of the experiment were analyzed separately for the upper group and the lower group. The listening strategies used by the learners in the upper and lower groups were similar, but mainly different in their positiveness towards the experiment. The influence on the positiveness is whether or not there is an interest in Japanese pop culture. When using VTuber videos as listening materials in the future, it is necessary to shorten the video time to 30 minutes or less. It is said that games with a simple mechanism are good for video selection, and it is easy for learners to accept. Also, VTuber videos are difficult as listening materials, so if you think about the whole class when using it in class, if there are many learners who can not catch it, we may avoid using VTuber videos continuously.


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