  • 學位論文


The Professionals and Skilled Migration from the Philippines

指導教授 : 蔡青龍


身為全球第四大勞力輸出國,菲律賓勞工對於海外就業持相當開放的態度,同時,國內不穩定的政經環境與嚴重的勞動市場問題,也迫使更多勞工移出海外。特別從19世紀初,因為美國殖民之因,許多身俱專業技能的菲律賓人才逐步移民美國。近二十年來,由於中東、亞洲地區對於藍領勞工的大量需求,菲律賓的海外就業結構已不再以專業技術人才為主,而是以低技術勞工為主要移出族群。但不論金錢或技術的回流,海外專業技術人才的貢獻都不容小覷。 本研究透過多項數據、經濟指標、與案例討論,來探討菲律賓專業技術人才的國際移動。同時將菲律賓專業技術人才移出,分三個方面探討:專業技術人才的供給、進行國際移動的原因、以及專業技術人才的貢獻。 首先,在菲律賓政府高等教育普及化的目標下,加上對於未來就業的期望,專業技術人才主要源於高等教育、技術訓練的培育。而菲律賓的專業技術人才之所以選擇海外就業,主要基於三個因素,包含兩國間的推拉力、政府對外簽訂的雙邊協議、以及自身的移民文化。在貢獻方面,專業技術人才的平均匯回金額均高於海外勞工的平均匯回金額。而菲律賓專業技術人才的回流也為國內帶來技術與人力資本的挹注。另一方面,菲律賓也訂立人才回流計畫,並提供相當的誘因,期盼大量的海外人才、技術、及資本的回流,為菲律賓下一個階段的發展做出貢獻。


As the fourth largest labor-export country, Filipino workers have extremely open-minded attitude to working overseas. Also, more and more workers are forced to move abroad to working due to the unstable political-economic environment and awful labor-market problem. Especially since the early 19th century, because of its colonization by America, a lot of Filipino professionals moved to the United State. However, in the last two decades, high demands for blue-collar workers from Middle-East and East Asia have led to the structure of OFWs change. It was not dominated by professionals and high-skilled workers but the semi-skilled or low-skilled workers. Nevertheless, professionals and high-skilled workers still have a strong effect on the contribution of remittances and skills return. This paper tries to explore the professionals and skilled migration from the Philippines by several economic indicators and case studies. This paper was divided into three parts: supply of the Professionals and Skilled workers, the factors of international skills migration, and their contributions to the Philippines. With the objective of popularizing higher education and the expectation for jobs, more and more students have receiving higher education and training programs. There are three main factors combine to cause the professionals and skilled migration. Which are the push-pull factors, bilateral agreements, and the culture of migration. Skilled migrants tend to have higher average remittance than per OFW remitted. In addition, the Philippines published a return migration program in 2011, which may help the Philippines’ development foundation solider.


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