  • 學位論文


Foreign Direct Investment and Labour Market Development in Indonesia since the Turn of the New Century

指導教授 : 蔡青龍


印尼因為缺乏資金開發天然資源與促進產業升級,一直到1970年代國家發展仍然相當緩慢。由於早期實施軍人統治,國家封閉,國內貧窮率高達40%。若要尋求發展,則需藉由外資投入,彌補國內資金不足。因此,印尼政府對外資的態度與政策逐漸改變,希望能透過外資的進入促進國內經濟與勞動市場。 印尼擁有相當豐沛的勞動人口,這些人口可以帶動國家的發展,但前提是需要有足夠的就業機會,才有辦法創造出最大效益,否則這些充沛的勞動力將會拖累印尼經濟的發展。因此,新世紀以來印尼將吸引FDI流入以達到經濟發展的目標視為最重要的政策之一,逐步積極放寬外資的限制與簡化外資投入的便利性,希望藉由外資進入創造就業的機會,以帶動國家經濟發展。而FDI流入之後對於印尼勞動市場將造成何種效益,便是本論文主要的研究方向 2011年5月27日印尼總統尤多約諾宣布實施「2011-2025年加速與擴張印尼經濟建設發展綜合計劃」(Master Plan for the Acceleration and Expansion of Indonesia’s Economic Development,簡稱MP3EI),促進外資投資計劃數與資金的增加。FDI的流入對於產業發展具有一定的效益,印尼早期的產業發展以農業為基礎,而新世紀以來FDI的投資以第二級產業為主,第三級產業為輔,第一級的農業相對減少,當FDI流入於三大產業後,便會對就業於三大產業的人口造成相當程度之影響,帶動就業人口的改變。當就業人口轉移至第二級或第三級產業,其薪資也會隨之變化,本研究發現新世紀以來FDI對印尼產業升級與勞動市場發展具有正面的效益。


By the 1970, Indonesia was still under-developed because the lack of fund to manage natural resources and to promote industrial upgrading. Indonesia’s economic development was slow as the country was closed during the period of militarism in early days. The domestic poverty rate was as high as 40 percent in the 1970s. To seek for better development, Indonesia needed to attract foreign direct investment to ease the shortage of domestic capital. Consequently, Indonesia’s attitude and policy had gradually changed, hoping that foreign direct investment can promote economic development and the labour market. Indonesia has a big population and the age structure of her labour force is favourable for economic development. However, the country has to create enough employment opportunities to gain the biggest benefits. Otherwise, the population will be a heavy burden on the economy. Therefore, the most important policy for Indonesia is to attract FDI in the new century. Based on the understanding, this thesis aims to investigate the relationship between inward FDI and the labour market development in Indonesia. In May 2011, Indonesia launched the Master Plan for the Acceleration and Expansion of Indonesia’s Economic Development, 2011-2015 or the MP3EI Plan. It was aimed to attract foreign capital and technology to stimulate industrial transformation in the six economic corridors of the country. The FDI inflows would be mainly to the secondary industry, and then to the tertiary industry. The expansion of the industrial sector and the service sector will naturally benefit the population though the creation of more employment opportunities and the rise of wage level. As a result, this study concludes that FDI had played a positive role in promoting the industrial changes and the labour market development in Indonesia.


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