  • 學位論文

台灣合作支援下尼加拉瓜食物生產債券社會計畫之經濟影響 (2012-2017)

Economic Impact of the Nicaraguan Social Program Productive Food Bonus with the support of the Taiwanese Cooperation in Nicaragua during the period 2012-2017

指導教授 : 黃任佑


本論文旨在研究、深化及了解2012至2017年期間,在台灣合作支援下,「食物生產債券社會計畫」於尼加拉瓜家庭造成之衝擊。有關方法論以不同來源資訊作比較,得以確認此論文題目相關之前後情勢。同時運用統計資料,進行了解「食物生產債券社會計畫」的基本面向。 第壹章論及研究或調查的動機與標的,包括研究工作使用的方法;同時也涵蓋題目的研究範疇,此論文與其他現存研究的差異。 第貳章摘述中華民國(台灣)與尼加拉瓜共和國2012至2017期間合作與外交關係,及來自台灣合作與雙邊存在之堅固邦誼,尼加拉瓜政府建構與推動最具標誌性的社會計畫。 第參章為研究精髓,呈現尼國「食物生產債券社會計畫」的概念、執行、過程及進展,質量與統計面向。使吾人得以驗證其能獲致量測出經濟衝擊的重要性與可行性。同時本章也檢視有關此論文的合法基礎及涉及的各執行者。第肆章聚焦在了解尼加拉瓜「食物生產債券社畫計畫」之經濟衝擊;亦即在與台灣合作所反映出之本研究的結果。 最後第伍章從所獲得的回饋,提出結論與建議,與台灣合作的衝擊、績效、重要性及在尼加拉瓜改善受益戶生活水平的貢獻。


社會計畫 合作 經濟 貧窮 尼加拉瓜 台灣


The purpose of this research is to study, deepen and publicize the impact that the Social Program Productive Food Bonus has generated in Nicaraguan families, with the support of the Taiwanese Cooperation during the 2012-2017 period. The methodology used was comparative with different sources of information to be able to define the before and after the situation on the topic addressed. In the same way, the statistical data served to know the fundamental aspects of the Social Productive Food Bonus Program. In Chapter I, the reason and purpose of why the study or research is carried out is addressed. In the same way, it understands the methodology to be used during the work. In turn, it incorporates the study framework on the subject and the difference of this thesis with other existing research. In Chapter II, an outline is drawn of the diplomatic and cooperation relations between the Republic of China Taiwan and the Republic of Nicaragua during the period 2012-2017, as well as the most emblematic Social Programs promoted and implemented by the Government of Unity and Reconciliation of the Republic of Nicaragua, thanks to the support of the Taiwanese Cooperation and the solid bonds of friendship existing. Chapter III is the central part, in which all the information related to the concept, execution, processes and advances of the Nicaraguan Food Productive Bonus Program, the qualitative, quantitative and statistical aspects that allow us to identify its importance and feasibility to measure the economic impact it has had. In the same way, this chapter contemplates the actors involved and the legal basis of the topic. Chapter IV, will focus on making known the Economic Impact of the Nicaraguan Food Productive Bonus Program, supported by the Taiwanese Cooperation, thus reflecting the results of the research. Finally, Chapter V, the Conclusions and Recommendations are reflected, the feedback obtained, the impact, performance, importance of the Taiwanese cooperation and how it has contributed in Nicaragua to improve the living standards of the beneficiary families.


Social Programs Cooperation Economy Impact Nicaragua Taiwan


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