  • 學位論文


Investigation of the semiconductor fracture behavior during the Dicing/Scribing processes

指導教授 : 趙崇禮


因應III / V通訊半導體產業與光電產業不斷的進步,各種精密電子及光學元件製造技術的開發,使得硬脆材料的應用早已日漸普及。而常用的硬脆材料有單晶矽、陶瓷、寶石、玻璃及Ⅲ-Ⅴ族化合物半導體如砷化鎵(GaAs)、磷化鎵(GaP)等。這些材料都擁有許多優良的物理及光學特性且這些材料都具有高硬度及高脆度的特點,很容易在加工時對工件產生破壞。因此在加工方面有一定的難度,故極需開發一種既經濟又可行的加工方法。本研究為探討矽晶圓材料做鑽石刻劃試驗時,刻劃參數對矽晶圓的影響。首先我們利用套裝軟體ANSYS來模擬分析鑽石刀具刻劃硬脆材料時矽晶圓之破裂情形。在模擬分析過程中我們將刀具傾角做不同角度的改變,藉由模擬分析來探討刀具傾角的改變對於硬脆材料會產生何種影響。另一方面我們也與工研院合作進行矽晶圓刻劃分析,經由一些參數的改變(刀具傾角、刻劃負載、刻劃速度),並藉由斜拋腐蝕試驗來觀察表面以及次表面的破裂情形,以探究刻劃參數對硬脆材的影響。經由ANSYS 2D模擬分析我們可以得知,刀具傾角的加大有助於得到較集中的應力與應變效果。經由ANSYS 3D模擬分析我們可以得知,刀具傾角的加大會使工件產生的破壞增加;且當刀具傾角超過15度時,會在鑽石刀尖的3個尖角產生較大的應力集中現象,經由此現象我們也可以得知當刻劃角度大時,鑽石刀尖的方向會導引成脆性材破裂的方向。由實際刻劃實驗我們可以得知,隨著刀具傾角及刻劃負載的增加,中央裂紋的深度亦會增加,不過側向裂紋亦會隨之增加;而刻劃速度的增加側向裂紋亦會明顯的增加,然而刻劃速度的增加會降低中央裂紋的產生。


Owing to the fast development in semiconductor and opto-electronic industry, demands for precision devices/components made of brittle materials such as single crystal silicon, various glasses, and III-V group based compounds (GaAs, GaP…) are increasing rapidly for their advanced physical and/or optical properties. However, it is always a difficult task to grind, polish, turn and dice these hard and brittle materials to the specified roughness and/or dimension accuracy. Dicing operation is normally carried out when all the circuits are in place on the wafer and used to separate individual dies for packaging. This study aimed to investigate the fracture behavior during dicing silicon wafer by a diamond tool. Effect of dicing parameters such as rake angle, vertical load and dicing speed on the resulted crack propagation and chipping were studied. Finite element method was also adopted in this research to simulate the tool/wafer interaction during the dicing/scratching operation and the results were used to correlate to the experimental results. It was found that both median and lateral cracks introduced by the dicing operation increased with the tool tilt angle and vertical load. The lateral cracks would increase with the dicing speed while median cracks decreased.


Diamond scribing Median crack Lateral crack


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