  • 學位論文


Multi-Agent Mechanism in Database Monitoring

指導教授 : 周清江


資料庫在眾多資訊系統中是核心的一環,一旦發生異常狀況,阻斷或干擾原來進行中的資料流程或商業流程,都可能對企業帶來巨大的損失甚至營運停擺,故資料庫管理人員必須花費相當多的時間持續不斷地進行監控與維護作業。而目前企業大部分都存在許多不同種類或不同平台的資料庫主機,隨著儲存資料日趨增長,前端應用系統架構日趨複雜,資料庫發生問題的頻率也相對增加,這讓資料庫管理人員如同救火隊般疲於奔命,無形地增加管理上的風險。如何有效做好資料庫管理工作,減化日常作業及增加管理效率,都是企業必須思考的課題。本研究從分析資料庫監控系統的發展趨勢,到實務上遭遇到的問題與需求,以JADE(JAVA Agent Development Framework)為實作基礎架構,設計並發展出一套應用於資料庫監控系統的多代理人機制(Multi-Agent Mechanism in Database Monitoring ,MADM),透過簡單安裝程序,即可完成相關設定並監控運行資料,異常狀況發生時,可即時告警並產生圖形化的歷史資料,最後驗證MADM系統在實務上的可用性與創新性,確實達到預期之目的,能有效降低監控機制整體的複雜度並提高可擴充性,希望可作為資訊人員導入資料庫監控系統時的參考依據。


Database is one of the most important parts of many information systems in an organization. When it is not working properly, the system’s original data flow or business flow will be broken, which may cause big damages or stop the company’s services. Therefore, DBAs normally spend much time to monitor and maintain databases operations. However, in a company there are many kinds of databases under different platform. With the rapidly-expanded data, front-end application system architectures and their application scopes are getting more and more complicated. Occurrences of database problems increase accordingly. This makes DBA as busy as a fireman, which increases the invisible risk of management. How to perform database management tasks effectively and how to reduce DBAs routine works are important studies of the enterprise. This study analyzes the development trend of database monitoring system, and studies practical problems encountered with related requirements. We propose to use JADE (JAVA Agent Development Framework) as the infrastructure. We design and develop an enterprise database monitoring system using multi-agent mechanism, called Multi-Agent Mechanism in Database Monitoring, MADM. When a new host needs to be added to MADM, a simple installation procedure would complete the configuration settings. After starting the communication between a MADM’s server and client, the host will begin receiving information and performing related monitoring. When an abnormal condition occurs, an immediate alarm will be issued and historical information will be displayed through a graphical presentation. We experimentally verify the feasibility and innovation of MADM’s system architecture, and confirm that MADM indeed can effectively reduce the overall complexity of the monitoring mechanism. It can improve flexibility and scalability, and hopefully can be used as a reference for other real cases.


Database Management System Monitor Multi-Agent JADE


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