  • 學位論文


A Study on the Influencing Factors of Enterprises Adopting Private Cloud Computing

指導教授 : 蕭瑞祥


從企業之觀點而言,運用雲端運算服務,企業減少軟硬體的投資與維護成本,快速佈署與運用有限的經營資源,並且簡化企業的營運及管理作業,從而確保有效率的協同作業,進而提升企業競爭力。 不過仍有許多企業對於導入雲端運算服務,尚有疑慮,例如隱私權的保護、資料與服務的可用性和整合性、公司資料的機密性等,因此有些企業傾向採用私有雲端的解決方案,進而產生了私有雲端之概念。私有雲端模擬雲端運算之特色,同時兼具安全性與資訊掌握性,更提供企業在私有網路中分享組織之雲端資源,建構出比雲端業者更具穩定之資訊環境。 本研究由敘述雲端運算與雲端服務之發展使用現況,再說明由雲端運算所延伸之私有雲端構想,並嘗試以理論架構為基礎,根據TOE架構擬訂出三大構面分別為科技、組織、環境來找出企業採用私有雲端運算因素,透過文獻探討整理出雲端特性並匯整企業在資訊科技方面的相關應用,再利用德菲法及層級分析法,找出雲端服務的影響因素,研究成果發現科技中的資料安全、組織中的高階主管支持以及環境中的法律或法規要求在私有雲端之採用上具有重要的影響。 本研究期望此研究對於企業採用私有雲端之認知能有廣泛的瞭解,以期作為企業導入雲端服務時,有其依據及參考,促使企業在導入雲端服務時能夠掌握影響因素進而順利推動導入。


For enterprises, the use of cloud computing services to reduce investment and maintenance costs on hardware and software, rapid deployment and use of limited management resources, and simplify business operations and management operations. In order to ensure efficient collaboration, and thus enhance the competitiveness of enterprises. However, enterprises are worried about issues such as: data security, reliability, data logging, as well as speed and the inevitable latency. Hence, a number of enterprises intend to introduce the private cloud computing solution. As a result, the private cloud emerged; it uses the characteristics of cloud computing but higher security and stronger information controllability. Besides, private cloud provides companies to lend cloud resources in their private network then builds the more stable environment than cloud vendors have. This study describes the current status of cloud computing and cloud service at first, and then illustrates the concept of private cloud. The development of the theory model based on TOE framework to discover what factors might affect the adoption of private cloud is divided into three dimensions: technology, organization and environment. In this study, through literature to sort out cloud features, enterprises in the related applications of information technology, and then using the The Delphi method and analytic hierarchy process method to identify the key factors for import cloud service, shows perceived information security in technology, executives support in organization, legal or regulatory requirements in environment which are the most important factors. The expectation of this study could be the supportability to know more comprehensive of private cloud in organization’s perception, it has its basis and reference for enterprises introducing cloud services, and also to enable enterprises to master the influencing factors in order to promote successfully.


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