  • 學位論文


The New Type Of Information Infrastructure – The Study Of Factors Affecting The Organization’s Perceptions On Private Cloud Adoption.

指導教授 : 陳鴻基


雲端運算的興起,從整體產業鏈的上游到終端消費者皆能感受到劇烈的變革。雲端運算代表網際網路中之資源(如儲存容量、運算能力)藉由虛擬化的技術整合為單一資源體,並透過各種裝置與軟體平台傳遞服務予使用者,傳遞過程中之服務模式,即稱為雲端服務。從使用者之觀點而言,藉由雲端廠商所提供之雲端運算服務完成例行事項,可以有效提升其便利性,同時也無需擔憂硬體配備的相關問題;也因其具有遠端存取之方便性進而產生了許多與資訊安全有關的議題而使企業難以託付營運機密資訊予雲端業者,進而產生了私有雲端之概念。私有雲端模擬雲端運算之特色,同時兼具安全性與資訊掌握性,更提供企業在私有網路中分享或出售組織之雲端資源,建構出比雲端業者更具穩定之資訊環境。 本研究首先闡述雲端運算與雲端服務之現況,再說明由雲端運算所延伸之私有雲端(Enterprise Cloud, Private Cloud)概念,並嘗試以理論架構為基礎根據TOE架構擬訂出三大構面分別為科技、組織、環境來發掘出組織對私有雲端的考量議題與採用認知。在科技的部份透過認知效益與認知障礙來探索私有雲端與組織之間存在著哪些推力與阻力;組織面則以高階主管支持之相關議題與組織規模對於導入新系統具有哪些促進因子來加以探究;最後在環境面的部分,分別從組織所感受到來自於競爭對手之壓迫感與合作夥伴對於參與私有雲端佈署之態度。本研究以結構方程模型來衡量整體模型的路徑值,發現組織對於認知效益、競爭壓力以及夥伴意願在私有雲端之採用上具有顯著的影響。期望此研究對於組織採用私有雲端之認知能有廣泛的瞭解。


The upstream suppliers to the downstream consumers of the entire industrial chain can realize the drastic change from the rise of Cloud computing. Cloud computing presents for the integration for the resources of internet (such as storage volume and capabilities of computing) by utilizing the virtualization technique, then the integrated resource is delivered by any devices and software platforms. This process presented above is been called cloud services. For the user, using to finish their routine work can increase convenience and has no problems related to hardware. But on the other hand the coming problems of information security due to the convenience of remote access make cloud services hard to be trusted by companies. As a result, the private cloud emerged; it uses the characteristics of cloud computing but higher security and stronger information controllability. Besides, private cloud provides companies to sell or to lend cloud resources in their private network then builds the more stable environment than cloud vendors have. This study describes the current status of cloud computing and cloud service at first, and then illustrates the concept of private cloud (Enterprise Cloud, Private Cloud). The development of the theory model based on TOE framework to discover what factors might affect the adoption of private cloud is divided into three dimensions: technology, organization and environment. In Technology, the discovery of assistance and resistance between organization and private cloud comes after the understanding of perceived benefits and barriers. In Organization, management support and firm size would be considered. In Environment, the competitive pressure and partner readiness will be evaluated by the attitude to private cloud in organizations. The result shows perceived benefit, competitive pressure and partner readiness which are the most significant factors. The expectation of this study could be the supportability to know more comprehensive of private cloud in organization’s perception.


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江衍源(2011)。企業導入雲端運算模式之決策分析: 以台灣某汽車公司為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2011.00493
